12. Unguarded

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"Thanks for tonight you guys, and congratulations again," I slurred as Meliodas helped me out the door. He stopped and let me hug my friends goodbye, who were equally as drunk before he led me to the elevator.

"Bye Y/N!" Diane cried, waving at me from her door that was only a few feet away. I giggled and waved back, equally as frantic. The elevator doors slowly shut and it was just Meliodas and me.

"Meliodas, you're amazing," I commented randomly, not being able to stop the thought that had voiced itself against my will. I hiccupped as I patted him on the chest with my hand that wasn't around his waist.

His eyes fell to my face and he smiled, shaking his head. His hair draped into his face before he looked up at the number on the door.


"Can you please kiss me?" I blurted, my face serious.

What are you doing?! My inner monologue screamed.

If he rejects me, I can just say that I was drunk.

"Why would you want that, Y/N?" He asked, the ghost of a smile lingering on his lips. I stared at them, forgetting for a moment that he asked me a question.

"Because, you're really pretty, and you have really," I reached my hand up and touched his lips, "really, soft lips."

His expression was shocked, but he didn't seem uncomfortable or anything like that. I kept my hand in its current position, cupping his chin until the doors opened. I flinched at the ding, which caused a smile to appear on Meliodas's face.

"Alright, out we go," he took me out onto the ground floor and toward the glass door, which he pushed open with ease. The air was cold against my skin, and I shuddered, my lip trembling. Meliodas sat me down on the bench by the pathway after we descended down the stairs, and gave me a once-over.

"Here," he shrugged off his suit jacket and draped it over my shaking shoulders.

I should have brought my own jacket, I mentally scolded. That thought fizzled into nothing as the warmth of his coat enveloped me, and the smell of his cologne filled my nose. I made a 'mm' sound as I wrapped it tighter around me and stuck my nose into the sleeve.

It smells so good.

Meliodas chuckled and I gave him a weird look, only for horror to mark my features.

I did not say that out loud.

He waved it off just as Chandler pulled up in front of us, winding the passenger window down.

"Good evening, or shall I say morning, Miss Liones," he smiled tiredly at us and I met it with a sheepish expression. I struggled to stand in my heels, and in an instant, Meliodas was at my side. He helped me into the car, and I scooted over so he could climb in after me.

As soon as the door had shut and Chandler began to drive, I leaned my head on his shoulder, my eyes struggling to stay open.

I felt a hand envelope my own, and I smiled drunkenly at the warmth and size of it.

Have I ever mentioned how huge his hands are? They're like, gynormous, and so smooth. His nails are always short too, which is always a bonus.

I blushed at my own thoughts, which deepened as I felt his thumb begin to draw patterns on my hand.


I don't know if I passed out or not, but it seemed only a second had passed until we arrived back at the estate. I heard Meliodas apologise to Chandler for the late night call, which he assured was alright, before the door opened and I was being lifted out of the car.

The engine sounded away from us as Meliodas held me under my back and knees. I didn't bother opening my eyes, I was too tired.

I could tell he didn't bother turning on the lights as we entered into the foyer, it seemed like he wanted to keep our arrival quiet. The door clicked gently behind us before he carried me up the stairs.

How strong is this man? I am not the lightest human being, so he should not be carrying me as if it doesn't affect him at all. Especially because he had a few drinks too, so he would have to be tipsy.

We reached my bedroom door and he opened it just as fast as he closed it, with us inside. Meliodas's footsteps were buffered as he made his way over to my bed and set me down on the mattress carefully. I slowly pried my eyes open and squinted at his face, which was barely visible with the moonlight streaming through a slit in my curtains.

"Meliodas," I sighed, reaching out to touch his arm. He stood up straight and looked down at me, a little smile on his lips.

"You still haven't given me a kiss," I murmured, slightly more sober, yet more desperate for his lips on mine. He chuckled breathlessly before leaning down over my frame.

"Maybe tomorrow, when you can think straight."

"You don't want to?" I whispered, tears suddenly pricking in my eyes.

Why was I getting emotional about this? I should be happy. We just had an amazing night together, with so much affection.

Maybe it wasn't enough, or maybe it was too good to end.

I ran my fingers down his arm, drawing my index finger down one of the protruding veins. I closed my eyes as he inhaled deeply.

"Believe me," he exhaled, gripping my fingers once they met his, "I want to. But I want you to remember it." I almost smiled at his response.

"Well, can you sleep with me?" I asked again, hopeful. He gave my hand another squeeze before he sighed.

"Let me help you take your heels off, and what about your makeup? Don't girls have some kind of skincare routine," I chuckled at his boyishness and nodded my head.

"Unless you want to join me in there, I'll be okay," I sighed, kind of hoping he'd say yes to my offer. He chuckled and lowered himself to the floor, grasping my ankles.

My mind flitted back to the last time he took my shoes off, and my heart accelerated at the idea of him doing it again. As I replayed the thought in my head, my panties became soaked, and the need for him pressed against me was unbearable.

His fingers worked delicately in the dark as he undid the clasp and slipped the heels off my feet, placing them on the floor with a gentle thud. I didn't miss how his fingers lingered on my heels and toes, before he stood back up.

"Please Meliodas, you told me you wanted me earlier, why not now?" I almost whined, propping myself up on the bed.

This was why I didn't drink. I become my raw, unguarded self. I'm supposed to be the nonchalant, uninterested girl who everyone wants but no one can have, not the one who begs for her bodyguard to touch her.

Meliodas leaned down and grabbed both sides of my face, his dark eyes boring into mine. My breathing hitched in my throat at the proximity.

"Please," I whispered, watching at his eyes scanned my face.

"One kiss, then you go to sleep okay?" His voice sounded strained, and for a moment I wondered why. But my drunk brain didn't want to dwell on anything, it wanted to savor the taste of his lips. I nodded slowly.

He gently pressed his lips to mine and I melted between his hands. His lips parted slowly and his tongue trailed out to graze my bottom lip. I granted him access and fluttered my eyes shut as he explored my mouth in the most gentle way possible. Before he pulled away, he planted a little kiss on my wet lips, a smile on his own.

"Goodnight, Miss Liones,"

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