17. The Man in the Painting

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Author's Note

Hello my loves, I hope you're enjoying the story so far!! I just wanted to pop in to warn you that this chapter has a ~sexual scene~

I know some of you are probably like fuckin finally, jeez. Taken you long enough. 

But there's a reason for this. I wanted you to develop some kind of attachment to Meliodas, even though I suck at character building. I hope this makes up for the wait haha. There will be more scenes like this from now on since this is more relatable to most readers. 

Please enjoy, and be kind <3

Happy reading,


Meliodas's POV: 

After Bartra and I had discussed more business over drinks, we were called for dinner. Bartra declined and said he would go to bed, but I waited for Y/N in the dining area. 

I was a little tipsy after drinking on an empty stomach, which was confirmed when I felt my heart accelerate as Y/N entered the room. She looked nice, she wore a cropped singlet and some tracksuit pants, and of course, I didn't miss the lilac socks. 

She smiled at me as she sat in her usual spot and played with her wet hair while the butlers began serving our food. I couldn't tear my eyes from her, even when she began eating and looked up at me. 

"What?" She murmured shyly, eyeing the butler next to her. I had noticed she was more conscious of them after I had told her they listen out for Bartra. The butler noticed her gaze and quietly excused himself, leaving us alone. 

As alone as we can be in this house. 

She played with the food on her plate as she waited for my response. I shook my head with a gentle smile and began eating. I watched as she frowned at me but didn't press any further questions. 

After we'd eaten, we left the dining area and slowly crept up the stairs, but stopped outside her door. I glanced around to make sure no one was lurking and smiled gently. 

"Did you enjoy today?" I whispered and raised my hand to gently caress her cheek. I watched in satisfaction as she fluttered her eyes shut and leaned into my touch. When they opened again, she looked sad. 

"What's wrong?" I frowned, taking a step closer to her. She looked up at me as my thumb rubbed along her skin, almost as if she was looking for something in my expression. 

"Are you still going to protect me?" She whispered, and before she blinked, I thought maybe tears were welling in her eyes. My face softened as I realized what she meant. 

"Yeah, always Y/N, it was fine. I assured him nothing was going on between us and it was strictly professional," I assured her and smiled when she sighed and wrapped her arms around my lower back. I cupped her other cheek and lifted her face up to look into her eyes. 

"Would you like me to come in later?" I said that part barely audible, and she blushed but nodded her head. I leaned down and peppered her face with gentle kisses before leaving a lingering one on her lips. She smiled against my gesture. 

"See you soon, keep yourself busy with some drawing," I suggested and took a hesitant step back. She nodded and whispered an 'I will' before she disappeared back into her room with a fleeting glance. 

Y/N's POV:

I shut the door behind me and touched my lips, which were flushed from the little kiss. I shyly tucked my hair behind my ears and stood back from the door, barely stopping myself from ripping it back open and running into his arms. 

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