35. The Dream

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A giggle trailed from my lips as I frolicked in a field of purple flowers, the green blades of grass contrasting beautifully with the pale blue sky, and wispy clouds. The ground was soft under the balls of my feet, likely due to seasonal rain.

I didn't recognize the field I was dancing in, but the sweet aroma of fresh flowers comforted me, as the warm sun-kissed my arms. I stopped running and grabbed each side of my long skirt, admiring it. 

I was dressed in a white gown, with shimmery lace at the hem of the long fabric, and transparent buttons trailing up the center of my abdomen from my waist. It was collared and short-sleeved. I grinned at its beauty. 

A pair of hands gripped my shoulders in an attempt to capture me, and I jolted in surprise, the smile never faltering. I didn't have to look over my shoulder to know who the hands belonged to. 

Meliodas spun me around and admired how my skirt twirled. A few moths and butterflies darted from the blades of grass close by, and I turned my attention to them. This field was beautiful and harbored so much life. I couldn't see a single building or car anywhere, just me, Meliodas, and the forest around us. 

"I'm so in love with you," Meliodas whispered as his fingers found my own and pulled me closer. I blushed and lowered my head, my eyes trained on the floor as his delicate touch trailed up my arms. 

"I mean it, you don't see what I see," he added, his fingertips finally reaching my chin, which he tilted upward so his glimmering green eyes could bore into my own. He looked so peaceful with his eyes pinched at the ends, a smile on his pink lips. 

Then, as if there were some magnetic field between us, my lips drew closer to his. My lashes fluttered shut and tickled the tops of my cheeks as I waited for the gentle kiss. 

My entire body ached once I had stirred back into consciousness, the blanket heavy and thick on my body. I was pinned to the bed by it, and it took every ounce of strength in me to free myself, tossing the white quilt to the side. 

Sweat was prominent on my skin, which cooled from a hot sheen as the fan blared from above onto my panting body. My eyes felt heavy, but not as heavy as my arms and legs, which were as if they had weights hanging off them. 

My breath quickened as I mustered enough effort to sit up, which only ended in the room spinning. I shut my eyes carefully and held onto the bed to steady myself. 

After what felt like hours of focusing on my breaths, I opened my eyes back up and glared at my toes, which were inching towards the end of the bed. 

Slowly, I managed to slide off the mattress and crawl into my bathroom. It was bright inside, and I hissed at the glowing porcelain before I shuffled over to the shower and turned it on. As I waited for it to warm up, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. 

My hair was frizzy, which only happened when I went to bed with my hair damp. A frown appeared on my face once I noticed that I was dressed in a matching set of silk pajamas, and not my torn green lingerie. 

I clenched my eyes shut, forcing any thoughts that appeared about what happened into the back of my mind. 

The maids must have cleaned me when I got home, which explained the lack of dirt, dried sweat, and blood. There were bruises on my arms and legs, and around my neck, but they had begun turning green and yellow. 

How long was I asleep for?

I stripped out of my clothes and stood in the shower, allowing the water to mist my body, and gently wash away the sweat that had dried after my sleep. I gently ran some soap over my body and grimaced when it stung some of the cuts. 

A sigh left my lips as I turned the water off and stepped out into a fluffy robe. I barely dried my hair before I left the bathroom and stood in the middle of my room. I allowed my eyes to freely wander every aspect of my room, trying to engrain the memory of it into my brain. 

The narrow window seat caught my eye and my feet numbly carried me over to it, where I gingerly climbed into a seating position. With a grunt, I leaned forward and popped open the window, allowing a gentle breeze to float into my room. 

The sun was setting, but the air was still warm. I was grateful to see it again - the sun that is. When Howser was taking me to the shipping container, I was certain that would be the last time I'd see it. 

I was happy to be wrong. 

The yellow ball dipped below the final mountains in the distance, a blanket of clouds putting it to bed for the day. A small smile fell on my lips, but I wondered how I could be smiling after what had happened. 

My dream suddenly became present in my mind, and the urge to see Meliodas started to grow impatient. I thought the idea over for a few moments before a sigh left my lips. 

I needed to see him. I needed to hold him and bury my face in his chest. I had started to forget the little things about him. 

My legs wobbled as I landed on my feet from the window, but I didn't allow them to stop me. I pushed myself forward with a racing heart at the idea of maybe finishing the kiss I had started in my dream. 

I needed him to hold me and tell me everything would be okay now, that I'd never be in that situation again. My fingers wrapped around the handle of my door and jiggled it open, revealing a darkening hallway. I leaned forward and peered down the hall to his door, which was shut completely. 

I stepped out and held my robe closer to my body as my feet carried me along with the plush rug. I couldn't hear anything coming from inside, and the feeling irked me. Where else would he be if he wasn't inside? I opened the door with that thought inside, my breath hitching in my throat at the sight of Meliodas laying on his back, his eyes on the ceiling. 

His gaze flickered to me, and something in his brain clicked. His face changed from solemn, to joyful once he registered that it was me at his door, and he was standing faster than I could blink. 

"Y/N," he breathed as he closed in on me, his arms outstretched more with every stride. I let him engulf me, my eyes shutting straight away as I carefully curled my arms under his, holding my hands to his back to draw him in closer. I couldn't help myself as I buried my face into his chest and inhaled deeply, the familiar scent of his cologne and body wash so heavenly, my eyes had begun to sting. 

I had missed him. More than anything. More than my friends, my father, my normal life. I had yearned for him, every second that passed. 

A sob escaped my lips, and I couldn't stop the tremors that followed. His lips planted a kiss onto my hair as his arms rubbed my back gently, his words of comfort aiding in me accepting what had happened. 

I was home now. Meliodas had become my lifeline, and I knew then that he would protect me forever. My breathing grew ragged as I soaked his shirt with tears, mostly from relief. Mostly from the fact that he did save me, he didn't give up on me, as my father had. 

I owed him my life. 

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