6. Illegal Business

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I watched Meliodas eat at the other end of the table as I used the back of my fork to push the food around on my plate.

I couldn't shake what he meant today, about my father's business.

I mean sure, sometimes he seemed a little, off, and besides what he's told me about it, I don't really know much about it. Of course I knew that his businesses weren't legal, that's what happens when you snoop. I didn't have any evident to back up my theories, but I knew he wasn't an innocent man.

I just felt too stubborn to admit that earlier.

As far as I was concerned, my father was the owner of multiple businesses, but the one that earned the most money was his co-ownership in a large casino a few hours away from here. It was the biggest in the country, as far as I knew.

My father had his fair share of enemies, but I don't think they've ever reached the point of his own daughter, someone outside of the business, needing a bodyguard.

I slowly put a piece of steak in my mouth and chewed it. I kept my gaze on him as he politely finished his plate and wiped his mouth with the napkin.

He seemed way too calm, knowing he dropped a bombshell on me a few hours ago. Not that I was oblivious about my father's work, but he confirmed that there was something shady going on.

"So," he cleared his throat, "how was your afternoon?" His eyes lifted to meet my own, a small smile tugging at his lips. I blinked and looked down at my plate.

"Fine," I grumbled, cutting into my steak again. I heard Meliodas chuckle before he pushed his plate from him and leaned back in his chair.

"Is there something on your mind?"

I dropped my knife and fork on the plate with a clink.

"Yes, there is actually. What did you mean by what you said earlier?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Was it some kind of ploy to keep me under control? To not resist my father's wish of me having a bodyguard?"

His smile fell, and a serious expression took over.

"It's something you will have to discuss with Sir Liones. I should not have said anything, and I would appreciate it if you didn't tell him I told you," he took a sip of his rum and coke. My frown deepened.

"I won't tell him you told me, if you tell me more about it," I offered, taking a sip of my peach sake.

Fancy, I know.

His eyebrows raised, but I could tell he gave in.

"Look, I'm only going to tell you bits and pieces because I respect your father and I believe it's best for him to elaborate. But simultaneously, you deserve to know, rather than be left in the dark about it. Especially since you're involved now."

"What do you mean, 'I'm involved now'?"

"That man that attacked you the other night is exactly who your father wants you protected from - men who have it out for your father but have no way of getting to him. But they can get to you, and they've already tried," his voice was barely audible.

I pondered on it for a moment and gasped quietly.

"So that wasn't some random attack?" Meliodas nodded, watching me under his lashes. As I processed the information, I felt bile rise into the back of my throat.

"I could have been raped, or worse, killed, because of my father?" I squeaked, tears welling my eyes. Meliodas's gaze softened as a lone tear fell from my eye. I swiped it away with my sweater.

After a few sniffles, I calmed down slightly.

"So, what happened to that man?" I whispered, pushing my plate away from me. Meliodas finished his glass and sighed, leaning forward onto his forearms on the table

"He's still out there, and your father hasn't stopped looking for him. In the meantime, he has assigned me to you, at least until he's caught."

"And what happens when my father catches him?"

Meliodas suddenly had a small smirk.

"If he survives your father, I bet he'll wish he hadn't."

I gulped but nodded slowly.

"So, what is it my father does? For real?" I pushed my luck. I don't think Meliodas would actually tell me my father's top-secret business, but perhaps he'd at least give me a clue.

"Y/N," he began, shaking his head as he sat back again. I felt a shudder go down my spine as he spoke my name. "You're a smart girl, you know your father runs a casino. What happens at casinos?"

"People gamble?" I guessed, taking another sip of my sake. I was grateful for the warmth in my stomach. Meliodas smiled at my answer.

The butlers and maids came out a few seconds later and began tidying the table, offering to refill our drinks, which we happily obliged.

Meliodas stood up and motioned for me to follow him. I stood and wearily trailed behind him.

He led me into my father's office and I took a seat on one of the daybeds by the window. Meliodas threw a match into the fireplace and stood back to watch it light up. Orange flecks danced on his face, causing his shining eyes to brighten more than I thought possible.

"Your father isn't as oblivious as he seems, he sees and hears everything," his words were hushed, and I found myself frowning as I swirled the contents of my glass. His large hand gripped the rim of his own.

"What do you mean?" I quizzed, looking around to make sure there weren't any cameras I didn't know existed.

Meliodas simply drew a horizontal circle in the air. His eyes flickered to the door, which was left slightly ajar. He slowly walked over to it and shut it fully.

"Everyone listens," he whispered, pointing to his ear. I almost shuddered at the thought of the maids and butlers telling my father about our conversation.

"So, my father runs an illegal gambling business disguised as a wealthy casino?" I asked in a much quieter tone. Meliodas walked over and took a seat next to me on the daybed, his legs brushing against my bare ones.

I looked at him, only to pretend I didn't when I saw he was staring at the door again.

"That, among other things," his response was vague, and I could tell he was nearing the end of this discussion. I nodded and decided to take what was given to me.

My father was potentially apart of some kind of mafia or something. The gambling? The other illegal activities? The enemies? The owner of a normal, innocent casino should not have enemies stalking and assaulting their relatives.

"Thank you," I sighed, taking a big mouthful of my drink. Meliodas did the same, and smiled at me, his lips glittering under the dancing fire. I watched them for a moment, my heart beginning to race as I watched his eyes drop to my own lips.

"What are you thanking me for, Miss Liones?" his voice was lower than normal, I could smell the rum in his breath.

"It sounds so much better when you call me by my name," I whispered shyly, finding myself drawn to him. I couldn't tell if it was the alcohol talking or my subconscious desires but I really wanted to feel his lips on mine.

"Y/N," he sighed, pulling back slightly to look into my eyes. "You've been drinking, you wouldn't want to kiss me if you were sober," he looked almost sad. I shook my head, the fuzziness in my stomach intensifying.

"Meliodas, I've had one and a half drinks, I'm not that much of a lightweight," I chuckled, but accepted the rejection. I watched as his tongue darted out along his bottom lip, and before I could comprehend the dark look in his eye, his lips came crashing down on mine.

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