Chapter 25- How About 'See You Later'?

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#We'llMissYouZayn :'(

Word Count: 2317

Kailyn's P.O.V

A Month Later

Zayn came home the next day after that. He realized he was being foolish, and after we all promised to help take care of the little one (or ones, you never know) he felt more comfortable about the whole situation.

The meeting with Management was intense. They called all of us in- including me- and discussed the matter. They suggested Perrie abort, but we all protested furiously. The Little Mix girls were there also so with 10 people disagreeing with that statement they couldn't proceed.

"Hey Addison!" I call, jogging to catch up with my friend.

Addison and I made up. I explained myself to her and we apologized to each other for everything we said.

"I think I just liked him because you did," She had said, "I was super jealous of your life and now I realize I was wrong."

I pull her into a hug, "I'm sorry for everything I said. I didn't mean any of it."

"Me too. Logan's a bit too cocky for my liking anyway." She laughs.

We're back to normal now and there are no hard feelings. We've moved past it together and I think that's what makes our friendship even stronger than before.

"Kailyn. What's going on?" She locks elbows with me as we walk to the cafeteria to meet up with our other friends.

"Nothing much. Dance has been a lot lately, but other than that I couldn't be happier." I beam.

Everything seemed to be finally falling into place. No more drama, and I feel as if a weight I had on my shoulders this entire time has been lifted.

"What about you? You seem to be glowing." I nudge her side playfully.

"Well, what if I told you that someone asked me out?"

"You're joking!" I squeal, turning to face her, "Spill the details, who is it?"

"Mason." She blushes, playing with her thumbs.

I slap her arm, "How long have you two been talking?"

"At least a month now."

"And you said nothing to me!" I fake upset.

"Well I'm telling you now!" She laughs and we continue to the cafeteria.

After picking up our lunch and heading to our normal table, I see Logan and Mason talking. Once he catches my eye, he pushes Mason off the bench, making him roll in pain on the floor. I can't help but laugh.

"Kailyn!" He waves me over and pats the now empty seat beside him.

"Dude! Bros before hoes!" Mason complains, but stomps off beside Addison, who is already seated.

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