Chapter 5- Interviews and Surprises

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Sorry it's really late. I had to go out with my mom a lot this week.

Word count: 5052

Kailyn's P.O.V.

I sat there, completely frozen. I cannot believe the words that just came out of Liam's mouth. This is a joke. A sick joke. Awful memories began to flood my mind.

I walked down the busy hallways, hearing the mean comments from the children staring at me. I pulled my gray sweater down. The hurtful words I heard as I made my way to class was unbearable.

"She's such a lonely bitch."

"No wonder she has no friends, just look at that raggedy, old sweater."

"Disgusting much."

I couldn't take it anymore. Hearing these nasty comments day after day tore me up piece by piece. I ran to the bathroom, staying in the stall until I heard the final bell of the day. As soon as I was sure I was alone, I shut the door to the bathroom stall.

I shudder, trying to get rid of the horrible memory I just had.

"Kailyn! Kailyn!" I hear Liam desperately trying to bring me back to reality.

"Huh?" I ask. I look around the room to see all the boys looking at me, worry plastered all over their faces.

"What happened?" Louis grabs my shoulders and shakes me.

"What do you mean I'm going back to school? I think I'm just fine with the tutor!" I cut right to the point.

The boys got me a tutor. He would come every Monday to Friday from 1:00- 5:00. He had said I was doing well and I was actually very smart for a child not going to school.

"We want you to go back to school so you can socialize, make friends, join school activities." Liam tells me.

"Yeah, It's not healthy to be cooped up in a house all day." Zayn continues.

"And we need you to be like a normal 12 year old girl. Get detentions, not do homework, have problems with your teachers." Louis says.

"Not that you should do any of those stuff." Liam glares at Louis and Zayn whacks him over the head.

"Guys, I.." I pause, wondering if I should bring up my memories of school to them, again. I quickly throw that thought into the 'do-not-open-bad-ideas' box.

"Just let me sleep on it. I had a long day and my muscles hurt." I tell them. I sit up and begin to shoo them out of my room. 

"Ok, good night." Each boy comes over to give me a kiss on the cheek or forehead. When Niall comes over, I quickly scoot away. I see the hurt and confusion flash over his face, but I turn on my other side, not wanting to see how hurt he is. I don't hear him say anything, but simply his footsteps walking away and the lights switch off. As I hear the door shut, I close my eyes, desperately trying to keep Niall's confused and hurt face out of my dreams and keeping guilt from haunting me for the rest of the night.


Kailyn's P.O.V

I wake up to, surprisingly, no noise in my room. I quickly sit up and make my way downstairs in my purple pyjamas.

"Hey." I mumble.

"GOOD MORNING!" Harry shouts, making me cringe a bit. You would think I would be used to shouting by now.

I take a seat at the dining table where the other lads were, excluding Zayn. He's probably making breakfast.

"What are we doing today?" I ask them. There is always something to do each day. But, it's apart of being adopted by a famous boy band.

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