Chapter 6- School, Solos and Phone Numbers

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[A/N: Happy belated birthday Lukey Hemmings!!! I love him so much, but I'm a Calum girl. Did you guys see them on Today? Anyways go ahead, read!!!]

Kailyn's P.O.V.

I sit up in bed and reach over to turn off my alarm clock. A small smile makes its way to my face when I realize that today will be my first official day at dance, but quickly disappears when I remember that I also have to go to the living hell named school. I don't even know the name of the school or if both genders are allowed but simply, I shrug the thought off and head to the bathroom.

After cleaning the dirt off of my body and out of my hair, I step into my closet to look for a first-day-of-school worthy outfit.

After about half an hour of combing through, I finally settle on a one-shoulder purple sweater with light, gray jeans and purple converse. I pull out my baby blue hair straightener and plug it in. While waiting for it to heat up, I put concealer over my flaws, mascara and a light pink shade of lipstick to give my lips a soft look. I move back to my straightener and work through my hair. When I finish, my hair falls just below my shoulder blades. I put a silver, sparkly clip at the side and head downstairs.

"Morning, cutie," Liam comes over and pinches my cheek. "You excited?"

"Very." I say with fake enthusiasm.

"Good. We'll all be driving you to school today." He ruffles my hair and moves over to the dining room, while I stay where I am, desperately trying to fix the mess he created on top of my head.

"Breakfast!" I hear someone call. I walk into the dining room and sit beside Liam.

"This morning, we will be having waffles and blueberry muffins with fruit smoothies." Harry tells us with his hands behind his back. He bows before heading back into the kitchen to get the food.

"Why such a special meal?" I ask Liam.

"Because, today is your first day at dance and school, and our first day back at the studio for recording." Liam tells me.

Harry comes out with two plates in one hand and a huge jug in the other. He carefully sets the food and jug down. Almost as if it's a natural instinct, Niall's hand shoots out and grabs three waffles and a muffin.

"Kailyn, I saved this waffle specially for you because I know Niall would've taken it first." Harry says and hands me a waffle with chocolate chip eyes, a grape nose, a whipped cream mouth and at the bottom, my name written in strawberry syrup.

"Thank you." I say, smiling at the cute waffle. I take a muffin also and pour myself some of the smoothie and slowly eat.

"What's the name of the school and is it all girls?" I ask with a mouth full of food. Liam sends me a disapproving glance. I swallow my food and smile sheepishly.

"Chesterfield School. Boys and girls will be there there." Harry informs me. I stay silent for the rest of my meal.

"Hurry Kailyn, you don't wanna be late for your first day." Zayn tells me when I finish.

"I don't know, I don't feel very good." I lie, holding my stomach.

"Harry, what did you put in her waffle?" Louis yells jokingly. He immediately looks away when Harry shoots him a death glare.

"Don't play that card on us, Niall uses it all the time when we have to get up early." Liam says while Niall pouts.

"Let's go kid." Zayn goes and grabs his coat by the door. I shoot back upstairs and grab my school bag by the door in my room.

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