5-I'm not over her!!

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James has fully recovered from his accident at the Quidditch match. And is now sitting in the library with Remus and Sirius.


Lilys' POV

Alice, Dorcas and me are sitting in the library, studdying transfiguration on a sundaymorning! It's scandalous! STUDYING on a SUNDAY!!!!


We are having trouble concentrating on our homework. Because it is such a beautiful day and we have to STUDY! Okay sorry, I'll stop about the studying. (:

A few tables ahead of us, we see Potter, Sirius and Remus and they are-
they are STUDYING!!!
The Marauders! Studying! This is a miracle!!

Well, James is clearly studying. The other two are daydreaming about god-knows-what.

But James, he is studying, he-
he is different, so different from last year.
I've never noticed how cute he is when he's studying.
His hair looks so nice.
His strong hands holding that tiny pencil.

And then i feel Alice shaking my arm, whisper-screaming:
"Lily, wake up!!!".

Alice and Dorcas can't hold their laugh.
And soon we are all giggling.

We decide that we studied enough, and we go outside to find Marlene.
She is practicing a weird move on her broom.

When she sees us, she comes down to say hi.


Dorcas' POV

Marlene lands in front of us to say hi.

She is verry sweaty and her hair is in a messy bun, but most of her hair is too short to acctually fit in the bun so it is hanging in her red face. Her clothes are wet from her sweat and she is breathing heavily.
She is kind of hot, and she likes me.
Nobody has ever liked me before.

I know she is avoiding me. She isn't looking at me and she just talks to Lily and Alice.
I don't blame her, I mean, I am the one who ran away. I am the one who has been avoiding her for weeks. She has EVERY right to avoid me.

It's just.....

I've been thinking about it A LOT and I just want to talk to her.


Marlene s' POV

I am talking to Alice and Lily, when I notice that Dorcas is staring at me. I try to avoid looking at her but her bright green eyes keep staring at me. I have to hide the blush that I know is coming. But you know, I talked to Sirius and I've decided that I'm over her. After she ignored me for over 3 weeks, I decided that it isn't worth it to let this ruin my whole schoolyear.
So I've decided that I'm over her.

Why are those eyes still staring at me!?

She is wearing an oversised leather jacket, wich makes her look extreamly hot.
And her curly hair is just resting on her shoulders.
She looks amazing (but she always does).

Okay, I've changed my mind!

I'm not over her!


Lily s' POV

(time skip to the afternoon(still sunday))

Remus and I have to go to a meeting with a few teachers, the other prefects and the head boy and girl. We are about to plan the upcoming ball.
"The Halloween Ball"

And we, prefects, are supposed to take care of the decorations and the food.
We have to make a menu, and we also have to make a list of all the decorations we want. And after that we also have to help with putting the decorations up.

But Remus and I are taking care of the posters.


The next few days are pretty hectic. Not only because of all the things I still have to do, but everyone is stressing out because of the ball. You have to go in pairs so everyone is stressed out about who they are going to ask or who is going to ask them.

I seceretly hope James is going to ask me.


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