11-JAMES! I need help!!!!

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Lily is really great. Like she's amazing. If I were straight...
Haha just kidding, she's an amazing friend. James is lucky.
I really don't deserve a friend like that. I don't deserve any of them.

I enter the dorm.
Peter snoring like usual and James is breathing loudly, murmuring stuff, not even words, just random sounds. It's kinda funny actually.

I look over to where Sirius' bed is.



Why is he like that? Where is he? How is he? Is he okay? Is he asleep somewhere? Awake? I don't know.
I need sleep.
I need to forget everything.
All of it.
Let me just forget.
So things can turn back to normal.
Please let me forget.

*time skip to the next morning*

He's not in his bed. Why is he not here? Where did he sleep? Did he sleep? Please tell me he's OK.

"Prongs, have you seen Sirius?" Please tell me you have.
"No, he said he would come but I guess he slept somewhere else, sorry."
I turn around and head downstairs. I meet Lily and Marlene in the common room.
"You guys seen Sirius?"
"No sorry"
"No, but I'm sure you'll find him," Lily says.
She smiles and I set off for breakfast.
It's Saturday so there won't be much people in the Great Hall.

*Time skip once again.*

We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fishbowl

My disc man starts playing.

Year after year

I set course to the black lake

Running over the same old ground

Almost there now

What have we found?

I sit down and stare at he beautiful nature before me.

The same old fears

Where would Sirius be right now?

Wish you were here


Lily's POV

I wake up to the sound of nothing. Which is unusual.
Alice and Mary aren't here.
"Marls? Where are Alice and Mary?"
"They went to see Dor- You know."
You know what? I'm sick of this.
"Marls? You gotta do something. Anything. So the awkwardness stops. So you can be happy again. So she can be happy again. And so we can still hang out, you know, just the girls."
"Yeah you're right. I'll talk to her."
I give her a hug when she said that. She needs one.

"Great, how about we go take a nice loooooong bath? Would that help?"
She smiles. "Yeah, yeah it would."


I'm going to talk to James. I can't handle this anymore. 'Cause I've been thinking about it. It was the veritaserum that made me do you know what.
But think about it for a minute, veritaserum is truth potion, so it makes you say and do the truth. Right? So, what happened must have been the truth then.
But I need James. Because even if it is the truth, it's still wrong. It's wrong for two people of the same sex to be together in that way. It's just not possible. Biologically.
The point is.

*time skip*

"Hey Pete! You seen Prongs?!" I yell when I see Peter coming out of the Great Hall.
"I think he's still in bed!!"
"Thanks mate!!!"
"No problemo!!!!!"

I run upstairs to the common room -entrance and head straight for the dormitories.
I yell as I enter the room.
There he is, still in his fucking bed.
"James! I need your help."

He shoots up.
"No one died Prongs, but someone will if u don't get out of your bed and help me."
"What, who, I don't get it-                          Oh nevermind sorry."

It looks like he's finally waking up.
"Oh Pads you're OK that's grEaT, everyone was sooo worried, and Moony, he has been looking for you all morning and wHeRE were you yOunG mAn?!"
"Oh and what did you need me for darling??"
"Ok so first off, good morning. Second, I slept in the Room of Requirements last night. And third, I need your help to figure out what is happening to me. Oh and I also know Moony's looking for me, he's down at the lake right now."
"Ohh, this is about last night isn't it?"
"What happened? You ran off and only Lily knows what happened but she won't tell me."

I have no idea what i should say.

"During seven minutes in heaven Moony and I, we, ehhm, we sort of       k i s s e d."


It all makes sense now. Oh poor Pads. And PooR Moony.
He's completely shaking.

"I, I don't know what to think or how to feel, and- and the veritaserum, and he's my friend and it's just- it's not possible and I JUST DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT TO DO!"

"Okay Pads, you need to calm down. It's going to be fine. I'm here. I'm listening. "
He's calming down. Finally.
"Okay" he says with a shaky voice.


It's a bit shorter than usual but it's something. Hope you like it.
All the best
Me :)

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