4-prefect crushes

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james' POV

I hear noises.

It is the voice of a girl.

She says: 'please wake up you stupid git!'.
There is only one person that calls me a stupid git.

I open my eyes a bit, everything is blurry but you can still see the silhouette of a girl with bright red hair.

What is Lily Evans doing next to my bed?! Not like I don't like it but I mean, it's Lily Evans, she doesn't give a fuck about me.

"What....what happened?"

"Oh my, thank god! You are awake!" Lily yells.
"You were asleep for three days!"

"But, what happened?" I ask.

"Three days ago, a bludger hit you on the back of your head during the quidditch match against Ravenclaw. We lost the match but no one blames you ofcourse."

"Everyone is going to be so happy to see you." She says after a while.


Lily s' POV

~(time skip)~

It is the last class of the day, James is still at the hospital wing but at least he is awake. I have potions with Remus.

I really like potions, we were first to finish our potion and we hand it in. I think proffessor Slugghorn is really nice. He tells us we can leave sincse there was nothing else to do.

As soon as we leave the classroom I ask Remus:

"So... we have some things to discuss, haven't we."

I am extreamely curius about why Remus hase a perfect drawing of Sirius in his sketchbook.


Remus' POV

Ohh no, there is no way escaping it. I have to tell her.

"c'm on"

I drag her with me to the prefects bathroom, lock the door and make sure there is no one that can hear us.

Lily looked at me and says:
"So...tell me everything."

You remember last year's truth or dare at Halloween?"

She nodds.

"I had a truth question about crushes.
You guys asked me if I had one and I said yes but I never told you who it was."

"That's because I already am so weird for just having my furry-problem that I am afraid to tell you all that i'm-
I'm gay."

She just pulls me in for a tight hug and says:

"Ohh Remus, sometimes, I really don't understand a single fuck about you."

"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You know you can trust me and that I'll always love, you no matter what!"

"I know"
"I just thought-
I don't know."


"So...Sirius" says Lily carefully.
"you're crushing on Black"

"Yes but he doesn't have to know." I say.

"Why not? I mean you like him. So, what makes you think you will never stand a chance?"

"Because he is straigt as fuck and he could never like someone like me.

"Someone like you?!"

"A hopeless romantic gay and a monster." I say.

"LISTEN TO ME!!!" Lily yells.
"You are the most Special, Brightest, Smartest and most AMAZING person I know!
And if you ever DARE to call yourself a monster again, I am going to FUCKING hex you!"


We both burst out in a laugher.
And then I say:

"That was quite a performance at the Quidditch match when you saved James' life."

Lily blushes.

"So...since when are you crushing on James?" I ask grinning.

"Wait, I don't like him and you know that!"

"C'm on, I see the way you look at him. You like him."

*sigh* "Is it THAT obvious?"

I smile and nodd.

"I can feel that he changed. Like this summer. He usually sends me letters all summer, asking me out. But this summer I didn't receive one. Not a single letter."
"And now, he is so different. Like life woke him up. You know, he is kind and sweet. And I always liked his looks. But now....the image is right. And I like it."

"So if James would ask you out again, would you say yes?"

"I don't know. I guess I want to give him a chance to prove that he changed. So yes......I think."

After a little more talking, we finally leave to go find the others. It is already late and I am very tired. Tomorow is saturday, this means I can sleep a little longer.

I hope Lily is right about it all.



BTW Guys!
English is NOT my first language so if you find any mistakes, just let me know in the comments and I'll change them. I'm sorry about the mistakes and I will correct them as soon as I find them!
Okay that was all.
I hope you're enjoying the story!


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