7-The Ball part 1

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Same as last chapter, a visualisation of Marlene's outfit this time. Also made by me :)

Enjoy the chapter!!!


Remus' POV

We all go down to the great hall wich Lily and I have been decorating for 2 weeks.

When we arrive a muggle-song is playing called '1984' from David Bowie. The song is just released. (My dad is a big fan of him) I think it's a funny song because 1984 is only in ten years from now.

A few people are dancing already but most of them are eating something or talking to eachother.

'Would you like a drink?' I ask Lily.

'Yes please.' She anwsers.

So I went to find some drinks. But when I am not even 2 meters far, I hear some one yelling 'Remus, wait!'. I turn around and I see Sirius running towards me.

'Marlene wants a drink as well.' He says breathing heavy.

'Ohh, okey.' I say.

Why does he has to look so good?!
Fuck it's happening again, I can feel my cheeks getting hotter. Why does he have to leave those damn buttons open?!
God! Those damn buttons! How I want to UNbutton all of those damn buttons.

But this is a ball he has a date, I have a date. And he doesn't like me he likes her, Marlene.

I just have to get over him.

But I don't want to get over him.
I want him to kiss me. I want him to be mine forever.

But that isn't possible because Sirius isn't gay like me, he doesn't want me like I want him, he likes girls, he likes Marlene.

James' POV

Lily is just standing there, next to a table, waiting for something.

I am dancing with Mary. She is new and didn't know anyone so i asked her to do her a favor.

The song ends and I stop dancing, Mary says she is going to look for Marlene so I walk over to Lily.



'You and Remus did a great job decorating.'


*awkward silence*
My heart is beating so fast. She looks amazing!

I really can't breathe.
I have to say something.
Why is it so hard? It never was this hard before.

'Would you maybe want to dance?'

I can't remember how i ever said those words but i did and now I feel stupid 'cause she is going to turn me down like she always does.

'Yeah sure, why not.'

'Wait what!? This isn't a joke is it?'


'You acctually want to dance with me?!'

'Yeah now go dance before I change my mind.'

I can't believe what just happened!!!!!
Lily fucking Evans said she wants to dance with me!!!!!!!!
I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest any second now. I don't know what is happening.

After all those years!! She said YES!!!!

I am dancing with Lily fucking Evans.

At first it was like one song, maybe two.
But this is the third song and its a slow!

She wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head on my chest.

My heart is making these little !!!! all the time.

'Whow your heart is beating fast.'

I say sounding a bit silly.

I wrap my arms around her waist and we just dance.

Then she looks up to me, staring into my eyes. 'Can I kiss you?' She asks quietly.

'Woah! Hold on! This isn't real! You- You, me, no just no. It doesnt make any sense I thought you hated me?! NO! You are supposed to hate me!!!'

'You are supposed to hate me.'

I yell for all of the great hall. I see Dumbledore and Mc Gonnigal watching closely.

'You are supposed to hate me.' I say again.

'I do, I hate you so much but you know what!'
'I love you with everything I've got!'
'I love you and that's also why I hate you so much and-'

She kisses me.

Lily Evans, the girl who is supposed to hate me.

Loves me.

And I love her.

And she is kissing me in front of the whole school. In front of our friends, in front of Snape.

When she pulls back i see Dumbledore giving something small and shiny to Minnie.

I take Lily's hand and pull her with me out of the crowded great hall.

I see Remus and Sirius cheering. I smile and then.

We are at the library. It is completly deserted and I ask Lily 'Why? Why did it take you so long to tell me. Why did you let me suffer?'

'I just figured it all out myself and now I'm 100% sure of my love for you.'

'I love you James Potter.'
'My stupid git.'

'I love you too my Lilyflower.'

And that is when our lips meet again. Very soft and loving. Just like a movie-kiss.


I am fucking kissing Lily Evans!



I hope you are enjoying the story so far! I feel like i really need a good outro yk?
Well I don't have one now so I'll just say goodbye for now.

Bye and see yah!!!


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