3-first Quidditch match

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Owkey, so I feel like Remus and Lily are best friends. You know, like eatch other comfort person.
And I was thinking; if they are such good friends then so must Marlene and Sirius, and Dorcas and Alice be.
Owkey that was all.
Hope you enjoy!


James' POV

She lookes into my eyes, comes closer to me
And then...

I feel a pillow hitting my face.

It is Sirius who just woke me up

"What the fuck dude, you've just ruined my whole dream!", I yell at him.
He just smirks at me with evil in his eyes.

"I was about to kiss Evans and you ruined it!"

"Calm down Prongs." Sirius says.
"Today is our first Quidditch match."

Shit, I completely fogot about that!
I take a quick shower, get changed into my Quidditch robes and set of for some breakfast.

"Hi Evans." I say with a heavy blush on my cheeks.

"No time for flirting Prongs!" Sirius yells at me.

A bit later Sirius, Marlene and I go to the Quidditch pitch.
We have to play against Ravenclaw.


Alice's POV

Marlene woke us all this morning. She and Lily were very fast so that means there is more than enough time to meet in the room of requirements with Dorcas.
She tells me about what happened between Marls and her.

"But you said you really liked her." I say. "So why did you run?"

Dorcas anwsers: "I don't know,(sigh) I don't like this feeling."

"Yeah but you like her."

"It's complicated okay!"

I don't know what the hell is going on inside her head but there is defenitly something wrong.

We are about to leave to the Quidditch pitch when I say: "I won't be able to come guys, I've got an extra potions essay."

So they set off without me.


Lily's POV

Dorcas, Remus and I set off to the Quidditch pitch.
I wonder what Alice is up to because I don't believe a single word about the extra potions essay.


Alice's POV

In the meanwhile, I am back in the Great Hall, waiting by the doors. I am waiting for Fank Longbottom, a really nice Huffelpuff who asked me to go see the match with him.

So we go to the Quidditch pitch together, we sit down with the other Huffelpuffs who also cheer for Gryffindor.

I look over to my friends, they don't see me. They are all looking to the match with great interests for some very specific players. Except for Remus, he is writing in his "notebook" as usual.

Suddenly somone falls of his broom.
It is James!
Out of fear, I grab Frank's hand and sit very close to him. I burry my face in his neck between his shoulder and his head.

I feel safe.


Lily's POV

Suddenly James falls off his broom!
I see him falling, I have to do something!
I take my wand out and scream "aresto momentum!" He is slowing down and just before he is about to hit the ground, he stops. I run onto the pitch, Remus and Dorcas following me.

Sirius comes down as soon as he realised what is going on. The rest of the team follows.

I am sitting on the ground next to him, holding his hand and trying to hold back a tear.

"What the hell happened!" I yell at Sirius.
"I- I don't know." He says.

Madam Pomfrey and professor Hooch arrive. Professor Hooch tells the Gryffindor team and a few Ravenclaws who landed to see what is going on, to continue the match.

"Wingardium Leviosa" James levitates and madam Pomfrey set off to the hospital wing with James floathing behind her.
"Two of you can come with me" she said.
"You guys go, I'll go and find Peter." Said Dorcas.
So Remus and I follow madam Pomfrey to the hospital wing.


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