10-Truth or Dare part 2

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TW: slight homofobia coming from Sirius. please don't blame him, he had a shitty childhood and he was told that it is wrong to love someone other than a cis girl.

Sirius's POV

What just happened?!

Erhm HELP Idon'tknowwhattodo whatjusthappened!!

Ok so as I'm moving back to my spot in the circle everyone is watching me and Remus. I just sit down.

"Remus, it's your turn." I can't even look at him. I'm not listening to what the others are saying, I'm not even looking up. I mean why? Why did all of this happen? Why me?
I'm not supposed to like one of my best mates. I mean it's completely wrong. Two boys can't be together. It- It's just- impossible.

Why is it getting so hot in here?!

"Hey I think the veritaserum has done its job because I don't feel the urge to say something I wanted to keep to myself!" Dorcas said after she got the question whether she had a crush on someone or not.

That must explain why everything is blurry but also clear, why it is so hot, why is Remus staring at me?! Help, what is happening to me?! I can't breathe. I- I just-


We were all discussing the matter of the veritaserum when suddenly Sirius shoots up from the ground and practically runs to the door.

Is that my fault?
Did I do something wrong?
Oh god did I mess it up?
What is he thinking, he must hate me?! Sirius please don't hate me!!

James starts running after him.

"Everyone, it was fun but now it is time to say goodnight!" Lily yells.
Everyone starts leaving and Lily approaches me.

"Remus? I think we need to talk."
"Y- Yeah, S- Sur- Sure" I'm so dead!
As soon as we're alone I start ranting everything.


"REMUS S L O W D O W N !!"

"Ok sorry. So we kissed in 7 minutes in heaven but not like innocent like serious, and then they said that the veritaserum had done it's job and suddenly all of this happened. And I really like him. And did I do something wrong? And is it because I am you know a werewolf and stuff..."

"Ohh god Remus I am so so sorry. I have no idea what happened to Sirius but you have to remember that he would NEVER leave you because you are a werewolf, he's been there after every full moon ever since you told him. He would never put that as a reason to leave you. Believe me it is really hard to find a reason at all."

"Thanks Lils, you are amazing."
But I can't hold it in any longer and tears just start falling and they just keep on falling.

Lily embraces me like my mom would do after a full moon.

"Ssshhh, it's going to be ok."
And she starts running her hand through my hair.
"You're going to be fine."


Everyone is now in the hallway. Dorcas immediately goes to the Ravenclaw dorm while Marlene starts walking the other way.

They really need to get their shit together 'cause they ruin the whole vibe by being mean to one another.


Mary and Peter left to the Gryffindor dorms so it's just Frank and me now.
It's a bit awkward, we just stand here, outside the room of requirements, in the middle of the hallway.

"So, ehm, I think I'm gonna go get some sleep yah know." I say awkwardly.

I like Frank, like really like him.
It's like he's always there. In my head, watching everything I do. And as soon as he finds a little bit of time he just takes the spotlight and then he's all I can think of.

But the thing is, I don't even know why I like him so much.
It's so annoying yet mesmerising at the same time. Like constant butterflies.

Suddenly I feel fingers against mine. I look to the side and realise we've been standing here for at least 2 minutes. He steps closer.
Not looking at each other.
Fingers intertwined.

And then he starts walking. Very slow at first but after two steps he starts to speed up. Pulling me with him. Not letting go of my hand.


We both stop running when we reach an empty classroom. Completely out of breath and laughing.
Still holding hands.

Yeah I really like him.

He turns to me and slowly takes my other hand.
Takes a step towards me.
We are so close right now. It feels like my heart is beating outside my chest. I can feel my cheeks getting hotter.

"You look so cute with those pink cheeks"
He says with a playful tone in his voice.
We are so damn close.
He slowly moves his hand towards my jaw.
Moving closer.
I can feel his breath on my skin.
Closing our eyes.
And then our lips meet.



I- I just can't be anywhere right now.

Take another turn to the left.

What was all of that?!

Turn to the right again.

I'm not supposed to kiss a boy.

Right again.

It's not right.

Five stairs downwards.

It's just-




I can not be gay.

Stairs again.

It's wrong.


Just stop it!

"Goddamnit, SIRIUS!?!"
Someone is calling me.
It's James. James is the one that's calling me.

I don't move, don't answer and hold my breath hoping that he won't find me.
I just really can't talk about anything. Not now, not ever.

"Ah, there you are."
He found me.

"Sirius? U OK??"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine" no I'm not.
"What happened out there?" Believe me if only I knew.
"Nothing, nothing at all. " I wish.
"Ok, I know this'll make things awkward for all of us but could you at least try acting normal?"
"Yeah, I'll try." I sort of have to.
"Well are you coming then?"
"Yeah, you go, I'll come in a minute, don't wait for me."

Please someone help me!


So hehe. I owe y'all an apology for not writing and I know that. I just had my own shit to deal with and now i have exams so i promise to write after those. Again I'm sorry and I hope you have a lovely day/night/whatever!


A person who is trying ♡


Truth Or Dare (A Wolfstar Story-well Mostly :))Where stories live. Discover now