1-The train

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I'll always let you know who's POV it is (this could litterly be anyone but it'll mostly be Remus' POV).

Owkey let's get into it.

5th year btw

Remus' POV

My parents drop me of at the trainstation. I go through the magical gate and see Lily. I am soooooo happy to see her! We get on the train, and start looking for our usual compartment.

When we arrive, James, Alice and Dorcas are already there.
When Lily walks in, I see James look at her. When she sits down, I see another boy sitting at the window.

His long waivy hair,
his stupid smile.
He gives me A LOT of butterflies.
I have to hide the fact that i am almost as red as a tomato.
Ooh God he is perfect.

His name...

Sirius Black


Sirius' POV

I am sitting with James in our usual compartment when Dorcas and Alice come in.
We say hi, ask if they had a good summer and bla bla bla ...

A bit later Lily comes in. I look at James, who is staring at her (as usual).
And then Remus comes in.

My heart stops.
I can feel my cheeks getting hotter, I try to hide the blush but I don't think it works.
I Got butterflies in my stomach.
I can't breathe.
He is SO hot!!


Marlenes' POV

I am really not in the mood to see everyone again, except for Lily and Sirius.
Sirius, i know it's weird but he's my best friend. We know everything about each other. I know for example that Sirius is crushing on Remus (and no, he didn't tell me. I found out. But he is ashamed of it.).
But I didn't tell him about my little crush yet...

When I arrive I just say hi to everyone and sit down next to Lily.

I try to hide a little blush and start talking to Lily about my vacation.


James' POV

Lily looks as lovely as always, I just can't help it.
I can't help the fact that i get butterflies every time she walks in.
I can't help the fact that I'm in love with her.
I just can't help it.

But this year is different, I can feel it.
I have to be mature and responsible.

Everything is going to change.


Remus' POV

We are finally complete. The whole gang is packed up in one compartment.
The train starts to move, finally!!

Lily and I are prefects so we have to go and see the other prefects.

"You coming Lils?"


"Maybe because we're goddamn prefects and they are excpecting us!"

So we tell everyone we will be back soon. And we go to the front of the train.

When we are at the right compartment, we see that Snape is a prefect as well.

"No way!!" Snape yelled. "They made that mudblood a prefect!"

Lily is red out of anger.
"Just ignore him Lils", I tell her so she wouldn't just hex him in front of everyone.

When we get back in our compartment, James screams:"Whow Remus you got tall this summer! Even taller than me!".

It is true, I got really tall.

When I want to go back to my place between Lily and Sirius, Perer lifts his leg up. Wich makes me fall right on top of Sirius.

His warm body.
His wonderful brown eyes.
His breath.
The smell of his cologne.
I wish I never have to let go.
That we could just lie here forever.
Just me and him.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Just us.

But I have to pull back. I mumble: "I'm sorry".
I sit down and kick Peter against his legs.

I am completely red and everyone was silent.
Pleas let this akwardness stop!!


Sirius' POV

Remus fel and landed straight on top me.
I look him in the eyes.

His wonderful eyes.
His body onto mine.

Ooh god, how I loved every second of it!

How I love him.

Did I really just-

No, this is wrong! Very wrong!
I'm NOT supposed to feel like this!
I'm supposed to like girls! I can NOT like my friend! Not THAT way.
Why- What is wrong with me!?

He's just my friend, nothing more, nothing less...


Sorry guys, but I'm changing it to the present 'cause the past is a bit too confusing for me to keep up with.
I hope u still like it.
Thank you for reading and see yah!

EDIT: this is sooo bad!! I will hopefully have the motivation to rewrite these 8 first chapters soon!!!!! sorry that it's so shitty!!!!!!!

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