Chapter 5 - Flying to Hogwarts

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Sorry for the waiting guys~ but here you long awaited chapter. ENJOY :D

Originally, In the Chamber of Secrets, Ginny was (given) a diary by Luscious Malfoy. However, the diary is a Horcruxes and control Ginny to open the Chamber of Secrets.

Well, this is what happens in the original story. But, with Archie present, of course he will change the fate of his friends; although he knew a certain person named Dumbledore use this event to cultivate Harry in the original story.

Sorry Dumbledore, not this time. :D ~

When Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley were having a big fight in Flourish and Blotts, Archie slither between the crowds to find a black diary. Alas he found it near Draco. He quickly took it and hides it in his cauldron.

Just like that, he avoids the incident of the Basilisk roaming around and threatening students at school. THIS, is what he thought at that time, if his future self ever meet the him now, maybe he will beat himself to death. Let's not talk about the future now, this will happen later. Let's focus back on our story.

After paying for the books, the group went back to the leaky cauldron. The Weasley went back to the Burrow via Floo network. Naturally, the Mrs. Weasley invites Harry, Hermione and Archie to the Burrow. Hermione was thinking whether she should spend the rest of her summer with her best friends or with her parents while Archie and Harry agreed happily.

Archie never seen a wizard's home before, of course he is curious.

Harry, Ron and Hermione left first via floo powder. Then, the twins, Percy and Mrs. Weasley left after them, much to the twins dismay(they don't like Percy that much). Before Archie left with Mr. Weasley, he heard his mother cough softly.

"Ahem, young man." Clotilde cough softly while looking at her exciting son, "Maybe you forgot some tiny things here."

It felt like being poured by cold water, his mother words make him shiver. Plus Mr. Weasley is eyeing him curiously.

"Young man, remember about you being a niffler trying to rob your teacher's bank?"

"How do you know what's a niffler." Archie is shock and look at his mom weirdly. Surely his mom is a muggle, how come she knew what a niffler is.

"Ohh, about that, I saw it on a certain book back in the bookstore. They are very cute but make a havoc everywhere they went. Hmm, I guess they are just like you right? You are cute, but......."

Archie flinches; he doesn't want to looks his mother in the eyes. He knew that his mother can be a hundred times worse than Voldemort, no wait; Dolores Umbridge(you know that pink toad, right?) should be more accurate.

"I'm sorry." Archie mumbled.

"Alright, I shall allow you to stay at the Burrow with your friends."

Archie felt relieve. Anything can be achieved if you have a puppy eyes.

"But, if I don't receive any letter about how you break into Mr. Wilson's vault this summer. Next summer we will be visiting the royal palace. I mean we will stay there all summer, including Christmas."

Fuck, Archie almost yelled out.

Maybe having to spend summer holiday in the royal palace sounds like a dream to others, but in reality, Archie knows he did go crazy.

The royal family is just like the Blayson family, they are strictly train in etiquettes and academics. The only difference is, inside the royal palace, you must follow royal's etiquettes at 24/7 or more accurately, if a royal is present you must follow their etiquettes (only apply to royal's guest). Whereas in the Blayson Mansion, you can run all naked and no one will care about it (except if you guarantee you don't make into the news headline.) One more things is, Archie is a food lover, at Blayson Mansion, he could eat anything he wants but when it comes to having a vacation at Buckingham palace, he surrender.

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