Chapter 13 - The Basilisk Attack

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A/N: Yo I'm back guys XD! And no, the pic above won't kill you even if you look at it in the eyes lol!

For the rest of the weeks Archie tried to follows Astoria around to confirm whether Astoria had Tom Riddle's Diary.

Archie avoid some distance with Astoria in order not to be called a stalker.

But he fails to recognize one important mistake.

He sucks at remembering routes.

Which leads him always lost in the castle until some senior or Colin found him in some unused classroom.

"So, there's nothing wrong about Astoria?" Colin asked.

"I don't know. I keep losing track of following her." Archie sigh.

"I guess we could always try going back to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom." Colin said.

"But without that diary it's useless! We need to destroy it." Archie said.

"Why don't we just use delusion charm and sneak up on her?" Colin suggests.

"Good idea! But does that make use both stalkers?" Archie said

Colin just give a bonk on Archie's head.

"That is the last resort, you had been following her for a week without getting any new information, and it makes you looks like an idiot." Colin said.

And in the end, both Archie and Colin use delusion charm to follow Astoria around.

They finally knew why she's in a bad mood recently.

Apparently, she just had a fight with his sister about the topic of Gilderoy Lockhart.

Her sister had been avoiding her, so she always keeps up a long face this day.

After knowing the truth, Archie and Colin return back to the Gryffindor's tower.

"Well, that was unexpected." Colin said.

"Now we are out of clue again! I guess we really lost that book." Archie said sadly.

"Well, that's because you didn't take care of it carefully." Colin said.


"According to your personality, there's a high chance you piss off....piss dead Voldemort first before he can corrupt you." Colin deadpanned.

And both boys spend the rest of the evening bickering. Well, at least it didn't becomes a full fledge spell wars, as there's not many people can stop Colin and Archie currently. (Because I give them cheat skill that's why XD)

The week passes by and apparently there will be a Quidditch match at the afternoon. Harry told Archie and Colin to watch the match. Although Archie wasn't really in the mood.

It was when Archie is at the Quidditch field, he realize the next attack is going to happen. He remembers this time the victim is Hermione.

Although he's not quite sure because Ginny wasn't the one who had Tom Riddle's diary. He doesn't know whether the Basilisk was let out today.

"Colin, I'm going back to the castle to check on something!" Archie said while heading back to Hogwarts castle.

"Don't turn into a freaking stone!" Colin said.

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