Chapter 6 Part 2 - Rune and Dream

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Hi guys, did you miss me lol, I'm back and my exam is over. As promise, here is a new chapter for all of you. Say yay. 

Ok, I know I'm getting to ahead of myself lol. Enjoy and vote if you like the chapter. 

I will be very happy if more people read this fanfic and voted for this fanfic. 

Originally i said i won't update anything till December 10 because i want to focus on my game, but i'm afraid the new plot will slips my mind so here's the new chapter!!! Games can wait for laters, book first haha.

~By authorkun 

Like every first year he follow the prefect back to Gryffindor common room, which the whole journey he didn't pay any attention at all due to constant hunger.

That also earns him five pinches from Ginny. (She thinks it is just fun to do so, she pinches him for no reason at all, and yea that's Ginny for you.)

Feeling hungry Archie decide to sneak to the kitchen to find something to eat. He thinks he might not survive today if he did not have any food.

After the prefect explain about the dormitory and, well practical everything not very useful to an eleven years old kid. They were left alone.

Subconsciously, Ginny wants to find Archie to ask about his brother and the flying car but to no avail. Archie had already sneaked out of the common room before even the prefect finish their kinda boring lectures.

"Weird, he was here just now. Where did he go?" Ginny look around only to find a very angry Hermione scowling Harry and Ron.

On the other side, Archie already starts to wonder around the castle. A true Gryffindor he is to break the school rules even before the school is started.

Unbeknown to him, Dumbledore was chuckling in his office, "A new record Fawkes, he broke the school's rule before starting school. Looks like we got someone interesting joining us this year. He must be hungry; would you help me to tell those house elves to prepare some Cockroaches Clusters for him? Weird, how did he know how to enter to the kitchen, maybe the Weasley's twin tells him?"

Fawkes hum lightly, burst into flames and only left a bright red feather at the place he left.

If Archie ever know this he would call 9-1-1 ("Moshi moshi, some old man try to let his students eat cockroaches, the one that can move too. Except it is magical.)

Now, let's get back to our protagonist.

When going down to the kitchen, Archie also wonders around the castle. What's life without a little bit of excitement. He wonders from door to door and sometimes accidentally waking up a portrait or two. ("Kid, go back to sleep." "Which houses do you belong to; it's the middle of the night!") Yea, he admits the portrait may be a little too loud, but no one comes, not even Filch and his cat, so he walks on.

Actually because it's the first day of school, Filch and his cat did not think that any students will break the curfew, but he is wrong, there's actually one blonde hair boy outside wondering around like he owned the castle.

After some time when he think he had wonder enough and feels ever more hungry, he finally decide to went to the kitchen. Looking at the pile of moving stairs, he felt devastated, the kitchen is located at the ground floor.

"Hmm, this stairs always move around. If a student actually misses a step, he will fall down. Hogwarts won't kill a student right?" He must admit when he is hungry, he gets stupid, really stupid.

So the next thing we knew, he jumps down from the third floor.

He landed on the concrete floor. Except it is jinx with cushioning charm. So it's like he is sitting on a concrete like cushion. When he stands up to his feet again, the concrete floor had already hardened itself.

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