Chapter 9 - Love?, Or not?

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Hiya, dear readers, it's been so long. Yea, I know I haven't update my stories for like ages but this is due to my exam, although my exam is not over yet but I still have good news. Because I have finished Chapter 9. A late Merry Christmas to ya'all and whoever read this pile of mess, thank u and I LOVE U~ Ciao.

After Archie woke up, the next few days weren't good, at least for his mental. He was questioned beyond question. To his surprise, Dumbledore didn't come to find him or summon him to his office to offer Cockroach Cluster. So, Archie just went on his days playing with his friends attend on lessons and of course wrote a letter to his mother whether he could go to Japan in this Christmas.

His mother allowed him to go but he must spend with his family for the first week, only the other week he is allowed going to Japan. He also told his mom he wanted to go alone. Surprisingly, his mom agree, so now Archie is suspicious whether his mom buy a satellite to spy on him or something, he shivers at this thought. (Not to mention his mom definitely had the ability to do this kind of crazy stuff.)

Archie found that he is very fond of this magical school, for the first time in his life............his life(s) he felt so happy. He had his disappointment though, because Lockhart had kindda destroy his reputation in his last class (The one which left Ron and Harry complain restlessly about catching blue ****). So in Archie's class become more like a drama movie club where Lockhart only tell his stories, how handsome he is bla bla bla........ If Colin didn't stop him, he probably would have pound Lockhart in the face because on one specific class.......ermm let's just say Lockhart discuss about Archie height, yea, pretty much a forbidden topic in Archie's opinion. He don't know he should cry or laugh, didn't they said that all reincarnaters are tall and handsome. Either way, thanks to Colin, Lockhart didn't turn into a ferret.

Talking about the white ferret, or now a white puppy, welp, Archie only sees it sometimes lingering around the school ground, most of the time it stay in the Gryffindor's common room and disguise itself back into a big black chandelier. Most senior which had a sharp eyes wonder why there's a new chandelier all along not knowing it's actually a sleeping puppy. Weird enough the puppy didn't asked for food, it didn't seem to eat, but one thing is clear, the puppy never went near the professor's office. It didn't really come to find Archie much often it's like it has a mind of its own doing what its like.

At least Archie felt that his day is better than the trio, Harry had not really been in luck since the start of the semester. Getting recognize by Lockhart is one thing, Lockhart also want Harry to take photo with him so they can hand out autographs.

There's also one thing bugging Archie. It seems to him, he cannot use any Charms. It occurs to him when he was in Professor Flitwick's class. That day, they learn about Wingardium Leviosa, a charm to make object fly. Archie thought he could ace it but to his horror he set the feather that the professor prepares into a puff of blue electricity. He tried the second time only to transfigurate it into a Griffin Figurine that resembles Luke (the mysterious teenage boy he met last time in his dream.) He tried the third time only to make matter worse as the feather turn straight into blue purple fireworks. Although Professor Flitwick complements him for doing well in transfiguration spell, he still didn't felt happy. In the end, he finds Hermione for help and to his surprise (horror); he found that he seems to sucks at charm. Every time he tries to cast a charm spell, it either ended up in transfiguration or just a puff of electricity shooting out here and there.

After that everything went smoothly, well, in every story the storm will fall after the slight moment of peace, and that means the petrified cat in Halloween.(Archie thought he snuck out Tom Riddle's diary, let's not jump too far away and continue our story. P.S. Also Archie get sick in the middle of all this because before Halloween, the temperature around Hogwarts castle are like hell and he got sick but never mind, it's not important, they are wizard, darling.)

Halloween arrives and soon the castle is filled with the smell of pumpkin. The great hall is decorated will flying paper bats, flying pumpkin and welp, anything that looks Halloween (cause I'm lazy to type.) There are even two big sized pumpkins that shaped like a carriage and two or three person and sit inside it in the middle of the great hall. Archie remember those are the pumpkin from Hagrid, he also remembers Hagrid named each of them. He begins to imagine Hagrid crying while 'killing' them, he quickly shakes of that thought because he started to feel funny all over.

At night, the party begin,(I know a lot of u guy knew the original story so yea not gonna waste my time typing about skeleton dancing in front of Dumb-old-dore. If u didn't know the story it's not important. Sorry,I admit I'm a lazy shit XD so sorry.) Archie didn't go to the ghost or whatsoever party because he follows Collin to the great hall this time, and he didn't really wants to go to a ghost party.

"Hey, don't you want to dance? You can't sit here all night." One of the Weasley's twin ask Archie, "Look, even your best friend is dancing," the other twin points at Colin whom dance with another girl from their Gryffindor's house.

"Nope thanks, I'm good." Archie said while walking away, Unbeknown to him, who sucks at finding his way, he end up in the middle of the great hall and he decide to just look at the pumpkin,.

That's when he sees her. A girl, with flowing black hair and ember eyes, he was dazzled by her looks; she was sitting inside one of the carved out carriage pumpkin. Archie eyes were glued to her.

"Would you stop looking at me, you look like a dog." The girl snaps at Archie.

"You are beautiful." Archie reply, then he startled, this is probably to lame he thought to himself.

The girl cheek slightly turns a light shade of pink, but only a second, she recollects her composure quickly.
"I'm aware of that red dog; take care of your face before looking at mine." The girl snarls at Archie. She is kind of annoyed because the boy in front of her make her embarrassed.

Archie gulp, this is when he saw the hem of her clothes is green so she probably is a Slytherin. But for some reason, Archie didn't felt angry.

" name is Archie Bla..Blayson." Damn, why do I stutter and why do I give a Slytherin my name Archie thought to himself.

"Well, Archie Blabason, my name is Astoria, Astoria Greengrass, and you better remember my name," The so called Astoria said while she felt her cheeks going red and also wonder why she give her name to the boy.

"No, it's just Blayson, you can call me Archie, ermm, would, to dance...'gulp' ..with me."

"WHY WOULD I DANCE WITH A RED DOG?!" Astoria cheeks had finally gone from pink to red, then she realized she was talking a bit too load as people were looking at her way.

"I mean the party is almost over, and I'm fine thank you." Astoria recollects her composure once more and then get up flipped her hair and get out of the great hall.

Archie's heart skipped a bit.

He felt his whole face goes red.

Dang it, Merlin.

That's all for this chapter, thank you again for reading this. Before I go, I have to say, yep, in the original HP story, Astoria will be a year younger than Archie. But this is my AU, so I decide to make Astoria the same aged as Archie. Yea, Draco can go suck up Pansy, I dun care. 

Thank you anyway, and maybe? u guys will see a fanpic i draw about them soon? I dunno, dun believe my promise after all i say i will update soon in the last chapter but that 'soon' is really........'soon' so anyway if i draw a fanfic about Archie I will drop in the next bonus chapter. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone. 

                                                                                                                                        ~ By Authorkun (27/12/2022)

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