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-For those who have been made to feel as if they are nothing, useless, and will amount to nothing by those who were supposed to have loved them. Don't let them hold you down or keep you from chasing your dreams. You've got this, and you are amazing just the way you are.


*Only the prologue is written in third person, the rest of the book is in first, please don't run away lol.*

Twenty-one years prior.

He had been pacing outside of the door that led into the queen's chambers for hours, listening to her screams carry through the palace and battling with his heart that had been overflowing with fear.

"Please, God, let it be a girl." He begged on his knees, pressing the jeweled cross that hung around his neck to his lips, "I beg of you, do not let it be a boy."

King Alwyn already had a son, that was the age of two, from the previous queen. Of course, two sons would have been ideal in case the first were to die, but he knew nothing good would come from having two sons with different mothers.

He already had a little girl, who was quite the blessing as she was the last gift his previous, and first, wife had given him. She was only one year old and already had captured his heart, so where was the harm in another?

The screams had suddenly come to a stop, sending a wave of dread over him as he slowly got to his feet. The sound of a baby crying bled underneath the door that stood between him and his laboring wife, making him pray even harder than he had before.

In a moment's time, the door creaked as it was slowly opened halfway by a very small maid who had a large smile on her face.

"Your Majesty, both the queen and the baby are healthy." She looked down at the ground not daring to look him in the eye, "The queen would like you to come meet the new prince."

The ill news nearly killed him where he stood, as his worst fears had come true. He tried so hard to conceal his disappointment behind a fake smile.

"Of course, I would love to." He replied as he hesitantly started towards the door.

"Perhaps I am deserving of my prayers not being heard," he thought to himself, "I, after all, condemned the old Gods that I had worshiped all my life, for that of my new wife's without any hesitation."

Inside were several maids, as well as the royal physician, who had done everything in their power to deliver the baby as safely as possible. No one wanted to be responsible for another queen's death, not when the previous one had been lost nearly a year prior. Nor did they want to lose another baby, especially a son.

All their bodies were relaxed until King Alwyn stepped into view, then they all went ridged.

He looked at them with a fake approving smile. "Thank you all for your hard, diligent work. I am grateful to you all for safely delivering my new son into this world and helping the queen make it through the birth without any complications."

"Of course, Your Majesty." They called out in unison while bowing. Relief washed across all of their faces, easing the tension that had built in the room.

"Leave us." The exhausted queen snapped. "All of you, get out at once."

"But, Your Highness, we cannot leave you. You have just given birth, we need to-"

"I said get out!" She did her best to yell but she was too weak, and her throat was too sore for it to come out as anything more than a dry moan.

"Do as she said," King Alwyn sighed, "You may come back once I leave."

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