Chapter Ten

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I had allowed everyone to leave me behind once we made it to the glass doors that led out into the courtyard.

The air was cool against my slightly damp skin after standing in that crowded, warm room for what had felt like forever. I just needed a moment to myself, a second to breathe and not be suffocated by those around me.

It was a very drastic change for me, going from hardly ever being spoken to, other than being screamed at while only surrounded by no more than twenty-five people at a time, to being surrounded by hundreds of people all wanting to speak to me, to question me, while they silently loathed and judged me.

I was unsure if, at that time, I had really wanted to live like that for the rest of my life, or if I desired something much different altogether. But for someone who had been cooped up in a house most of her life, I was going to wait before I made up my mind.

"So, it seems I was not the only one in need of some quiet." His deep voice soothed my aching senses and numbed my ears to the dull chatter, which had started to overwhelm me as it resonated from the courtyard, softly shaking me from my thoughts.

"Indeed." I turned to my right to see who the voice had belonged to when I met his eyes and felt my whole body go ridged. Prince Henry's fluffy brown locks slightly bounced as he slowly approached me. "Many apologies, My Prince, I did not mean to disrespect you."

Out of everyone I thought it might have been, a member of the royal family did not cross my mind. I instantly became nervous as his green eyes, illuminated by the candlelight, looked back at me.

He was much more handsome than I had previously realized, which had now been made more apparent since we were closer. The sincerity in his expressions were different than the stoic persona he presented in the throne room. Here, he was softer and the aura he gave off was pleasantly welcoming and warm. Which was quite the opposite of his Step mother and brother, really.

"Please, do not worry yourself on my account. I had only wanted to have a pleasant conversation before I was forced to go out there." He motioned towards the courtyard, "They only care about what they want or need, not how I am or feel." His expression softened, as if he had felt sorry for even bothering me in the first place.

"The air feels less suffocating over here," I smiled, welcoming him to come stand with me as I tried to disregard my nerves. "Do not worry, his highness did not ruin my moment of peace."

"Ah, then that is good to hear." His lush lips curled into the smallest smile and his eyes twinkled with delight. "Though, we do not have much time left to hide. I fear the banquet is about to start."

It took me a moment to realize it, but after he smiled like that I was reminded of the man on the terrace from that morning, instantly making me wonder. The odds it was him were slim but there was no point in not asking.

"Did you by chance happen to have been standing on one of the terraces above us this morning?" I looked at him curiously.

"It just so happens that I was." He grinned, "So that was you, Miss Beckett, how wonderful to know."

I was caught off guard. My mind became a jumbled mess as I tried to figure out what to say next. To think the man that I was mesmerized by this morning was not only standing in front of me, but also happened to have been Prince Henry of all people. That was more than enough to break my weakening grip on reality.

"What made you decide to stare at me this morning?" I tossed the question out as soon as it came to mind, though it ended up being blunter than I had wished.

"I am not sure." He chuckled, then nervously looked down at his hands, "I was walking by and saw you standing there watching the servants in the courtyard, in your mask and cloak, and found it quite odd. Then before I knew it, I found myself standing there watching you watching them."

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