Chapter Forty-Two

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"Welcome all!" The sound of a fork clanging against a crystal cup rang throughout the room, calming the endless chatter and causing the music to come to a pause. All heads in the room snapped to the balcony, where both Duke and Duchess Dampierre stood next to one another, arm in arm.

"We Dampierre's are so elated to have the honor of hosting such grand figures as the royal family, as well as the first ever Ball of the season." The duke had a slight accent, though it was obvious he worked hard to conceal it.

He stood slightly taller than I, with dark brown hair and eyes to match. Atop his lip sat a mustache, the ends of it curled inward, as well as a thin line of hair that trailed from his ear, along his jaw and back around to the other side of his face, making up the smallest beard unlike any that I had seen before. Most of the men in Myrce donned clean faces or beards both long and short. Yet, despite how odd it might have been compared to the rest, it somehow suited him well.

His vest was made up of crimson, black and gold threads weaved into a large pattern of roses, atop a black ruffled undershirt that was parted at the top to show off his bare chest.

His wife, the duchess, wore a deep red, almost burgundy gown, cinched at the waist and had a bustle in the back. The elegant off-the-shoulder neckline made her collarbones stand out, and deep red spinel jewels, paired with small diamonds, adorned her neck and ears.

In her brown hair, that had been done up beautifully, sat a large deep red feather partially encrusted in gems. Her lips were painted red, and her eyes were smoked out in black and red hues, making her lighter brown eyes pop. She was very clearly Castellana's mother, as they had the angry brows, as well as their beautiful yet terrifying countenances, to match.

"If everyone will," The Dutchess raised her fine crystal goblet for all to see, "Please take a glass of sparkling wine and join us in the first toast of the evening." Her voice was sweet and higher than I had imagined, completely taking me by surprise.

Within moments, servants carrying silver platters of glasses flooded the Ballroom, weaving through the sea of bodies, making sure every single person had a glass in hand.

I inspected the fizzy wine that was a pale yellow in nature, wondering just how they got it to bubble like it did. It had been the first time I had been offered such a beverage, let alone been informed of its existence, so I was very excited to taste it.

"Here's to a wonderful evening and to the health of the king and queen, may both their lives be long, and their reign be just!" They both called out.

"Long live the King! Long live the Queen!" Everyone returned, though less enthusiastically about the latter.

I sipped the odd drink, mouth bursting with a sweet, yet dry flavor while my tongue was tickled by the fizzies that gently burnt my nose.

"Delightful." I muttered to myself.

"Isn't it?" Sheera whispered, "It's a new wine invented by Vitalis. Odd how they managed to import such a good with the gates as tightly shut as they are, huh?"

"Odd, indeed." I sipped on.

The musicians started back playing once again, and the people continued their conversations as if nothing had happened. Though many did clear the center of the space to allow for dancing.

"Who do you think will begin the first dance?" I asked Rheda, peering around the more open room.

"Probably Thomas and Castellana." She nearly yawned, "They are growing ever the more predictable."

"Do you think he loves her?" My eyes found the King, whose tall, large frame nearly towered over all those around him, save Henry. "Or is it all for show?"

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