Chapter Thirty-Two

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The carriage came to a halt as we finally made it to our destination.

A large looming gate, of white iron and stone, stood between us four and the Summer Palace. But, unlike I had previously thought, no wave of relief had washed over me, only dread.

"They will not believe me." The sabotaging thoughts dredged themselves up from deep inside of me, "They will take one look at me and know that I am spoiled. . . that I am now worthless."

The large, heavy metal doors parted with a creak and the horses clopped their way forward. Already I could tell this palace was much larger than the one before.

However, this time did not feel like the last. Where I was once bright eyed and hopeful about my future, now the light had all but gone out in me and I did not have much hope left.

Part of me wished I could have gone back to the beginning and started anew, that perhaps this time I'd make all the correct decisions. But the rest of me knew I wouldn't even have the strength in me to survive the Congratulatory Ball again, let alone everything else that came afterward.

"This is the Palace where all the courtiers come to live for the entirety of the summer." Rheda stared out of her window, hardly admiring the structure, more like recalling the past. "And those not favored enough to be a part of the court, flock to the city or countryside surrounding it, praying to all the gods that they get invited to one of the many balls of the season. For summer is the season of love, and everyone will be competing to snatch up the most beautiful flowers in bloom."

"And we are the main event." I mumbled, remembering that, unlike the rest of the available men and young women in the kingdom, we were stuck running after one man instead of many of them flocking after us.

"Indeed. That is why the Courting has been stretched out for as long as it has." Sheera groaned, "We all know he has already chosen who he wants to be with."

Rheda nudged Sheera, giving her a quick disapproving glare before she replied, "Perhaps, but men like him are fickle. I'll bet he has three picks, his favorite, his second favorite and his mother's favorite, and after this birthday celebration is done, he will narrow us all down to those three."

My heart picked up in tempo, remembering Thomas' confession during our last scandalous rendezvous. It was always somewhat terrifying how Rheda's guesses usually came true. Either she was very astute and collected vast amounts of information before speaking, or she was unbelievably lucky. Though, I was almost certain it was the former.

"Who he chooses really does not matter." Sheera rolled her eyes, "It is very clear that it will only come down to the queen's choice, and whoever that might be, I pity them."

"Why is that?" I asked genuinely.

"Because whoever she is will be the queen's puppet for the rest of her miserable life." Sheera's eyes widened after finishing, she then scrambled to retract her rather sobering statements, though it was already far too late for that, "Oh, don't take me seriously, I-I just am not that fond of the queen, she way oversteps into her children's lives and treats them like dolls. I would never want to marry into such a shitshow-"

"Sheera, just let it go." Rheda shook her head, then sighed, "You've already said more than enough."

"Indeed." Sheera rubbed her temples in frustration.

"Do not tiptoe around me just because you think I cannot handle the truth." Both of them looked up at me shocked, "Despite how invested I am in this competition, it has not blinded me to their faults. I am very aware of how controlling she is, more so than I should be." I laughed weakly, "I came into this competition expecting to have to court her instead of him, but I must say, do not underestimate Thomas." I looked back out of the window, "He might seem like she has him on a tight leash, but I'll bet, before this is over, he will fight her for his right to choose."

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