Chapter Thirty-One

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Cordelia did not feel comfortable leaving me alone for the night, so she insisted she sleep in the same room as I.

Though that meant she would've had to sleep on the rather old and uncomfortable-looking couch that was nestled in the corner of the room. Any other time I would have insisted she join me in the bed, but that night we both knew I just couldn't.

After she snuffed out all the candles, and wrapped herself up in a brown, itchy blanket, it took mere moments before she was completely asleep. Her soft, shallow breaths helped stave off the deafening silence.

But also left me alone with myself.

I sat there, back against the headboard and knees in my chest, flinching at any creak of the structure, or scampering of animal's feet in the ceiling above me. The entire space was made up of old, dark wood. The floors worn down from use, and the walls thin enough to hear the people to the left and right of me if they shouted.

The sheets on the bed were like burlap, compared to the luxurious ones I had been used to sleeping under, and only the Gods knew when or if they had been washed last. But by the smell, it had to have been recent.

These average rooms we had been staying in during our travels hadn't been too bad. But that night, I couldn't stand the sight of all the wood. Something about it unnerved me, and I desperately waited for when I was once again surrounded the overly decorated walls of a palace.

Somewhere safe and unreachable by the likes of that man.

I was nearly asleep when I heard the soft creaking of the floorboards outside of my room. My heart started to race as I stared at the door, horrified and unable to move.

"He's come for me." I thought, "Cordelia!" my mouth moved but nothing came out, "Someone's here, wake up!" I begged, though I never once said a single word.

I wanted to scream as the sound of the doorknob turning made my breathing quicken, and heart nearly leap from my chest.

"Cordelia, please!" still nothing.

The door swung open with a loud thud, yet Cordelia never woke. I tried to move, to scream, to do anything but all I could do was stare into the black eyes of the huge man who stood in the doorway. A devilish grin plastered across his blood splattered face.

He brandished a dagger in his left hand, then put a finger over his cracked, dirty lips and shushed me, "Scream and I'll slice you good. Or ye could be a good little girl and let me do what I'm gonna do regardless, without a fight."

Tears started to pour down my face as I fought my unmoving body, internally screaming for it to listen to me. But no matter how hard I desperately tried to move, to do anything, I remained still.

He moved closer, and the more I tried to scream but only air would come out.

I was helpless once again.

But this time no one was going to save me.

I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs, face soaking wet from all the tears I had shed, and my body was drenched in sweat. Cordelia had been nearly straddling me, a hand on each of my shoulders shaking me as hard as she could, when she noticed I was finally awake.

"Emma!" She breathed, "It was only a dream, you're okay, no one can hurt you."

My throat stung with every quick breath I took, dry and irritated from all the screaming, no doubt.

"I-it was him. . ." I finally breathed out, "He found me. . . he-"

"He is dead." She coaxed, gently grabbing me by the sides of my face, forcing me to look at her. "He will never hurt you again, his corpse is rotting as we speak."

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