Chapter Thirty-Five

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We three walked silently through the familiar yet new corridors, making turns after turns, taking stairs and walking much farther than we had in the spring palace.

Sheera looked slightly nervous, and my hands would not stop shaking despite my attempts to steel myself.

"It could all end here." I thought, chewing on my lip until I accidentally peeled a piece of skin off. The coppery tang of blood nearly made my stomach flip.

"I cannot let it end here." We all came to a stop. "Not yet."

"Here we are." Mrs. Dansbury slowly turned to face me, "The Queen is waiting for you both inside."

"Thank you." I softly squeaked out.

Sheera nodded her head in thanks.

Mrs. Dansbury looked at me for a long moment, eyes full of uncertainty, until she leaned closer, "If you are intending on lying to her, please think twice, dear." My heart dropped, "She knows far more than you think she does, and I would hate to see you leave us so soon."

I didn't know what to say to such a warning, nor had I expected one. Though, just like before at the beginning of the Courting, she had once again offered me a helpful word of advice when I needed it most.

"I understand." I finally replied. Gently, I took her hand, in an attempt to reassure myself as well as her, then continued, "I will not lose The Courting so easily."

I straightened myself, trying to embody the confidence I had just pretended to have.

"Good." She patted my hand, "Go, before her patience wears too thin."

"Thank you." I gave her a small smile.

My left hand stopped shaking, leaving only the right. All I had to do as tell the truth. Mostly. "We only changed what only we could know." I reminded myself. "Nothing more, nothing less."

"Good luck." She smiled, then opened the doors for Sheera and me.

I took a deep breath, "I can do this."

The Queen's court room was twice the size of the previous, with large ornate tapestries and paintings hung all around. There were even more courtier chairs, and less suitress chairs than before. Meaning, if I could survive the interrogation, then I would soon be subjected to the full force of the Queen's court.

The map table was larger, more elaborate and excessively detailed. Little hand carved figures sat upon it and the map contained more than just Myrce.

Across the room, surrounding a massive stone fireplace, was a large seating area. I assumed it was for entertaining her favorite courtiers, or important political figures. But for all I knew it could have been for decoration and nothing more.

The sound of our heels clicking against the marble floors echoed through the space, bouncing off the walls, making it sound as if there were ten of us.

Up on her ornate, and yet rather ugly, throne Queen Idra sipped on her crystal goblet full of wine. Her lips had been stained red, and her dark eye makeup made her look more menacing than usual.

I could not tell whether it had been intentional to intimidate us, or she had just decided on looking terrifyingly gorgeous by accident. Though, either way I felt intimidated.

Sheera and I curtsied in unison once we reached the bottom of the steps that she had been perched atop of. There was an unsettling vibe throughout the room, and the excessive stillness from there only being the three of us did nothing to help.

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