Chapter Eleven

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"If everyone would please take their seats," King Alwyn's deep voice caught everyone, who had been standing around talking, off guard. He watched as they all silently scurried to their seats, then continued, "I would like to start this feast off with a toast."

We all watched as he raised his goblet made from what looked to have been either an animal horn or bones that had been embellished with metal. Those same strange symbols from his throne had been carved into it as well. By the look on the queen's face, it was not that hard to see she detested the thing, and reluctantly raised her gilded crystal, jewel studded, goblet in unison.

"May we eat 'till our bellies be full and drink 'till our feet can no longer hold us!" He shouted, then clashed his goblet with Henry's.

"Aye!" Mainly the men in the yard yelled in unison, the women sitting proper fearing the queen's wrath if they dared join in.

"Thank you all for joining us this evening, and please, enjoy." The queen's jaw was clenched in annoyance as she forced herself to yell over her husband and the rest of the men.

King Alwyn and Henry placed one arm on one another's shoulder then tipped back their goblets, downing the liquid in them in mere seconds, then slammed the empty cups onto the table while cackling.

The relationship between Henry and his father was admirable. The two seemed to have been very much alike in many ways. Anyone could see just how much the two loved one another, which was rare in families of nobility. Yet, the king never once held back his show of affection towards any of his children in public and hardly if ever reprimanded them for all eyes to see.

Prince Thomas looked down the table at the two of them, letting a glint of yearning in his eyes show long enough for his mother to catch it and subtly elbow him in the side. I caught the anger that flashed onto his face for but a second as he looked away and sat up straighter in his seat.

Perhaps I also had something in common with Thomas as well.

"I hope you all like boar." King Alwyn grinned from ear to ear as two large platters were brought down the west stairs by eight young men, "Prince Henry fell the first huge beast this morning, I the second, and they have been roasting since."

Everyone watched as the two boars were sat on the large empty table in front of the royal family. The aroma of the roasted meat began to permeate the area, mixing with perfumes and over taking other odors to create something less appetizing. But regardless, just the smell of food forced my stomach to reply with a low rumble.

I had been hungry for quite a while, even though I had been too preoccupied to have noticed until then. Next more kitchen hands brought out side-dishes that too started to become intoxicating. I could not take my eyes away from all the food that had started to be piled on the table around the still sizzling meat. Mouth salivating at the thought of how tender the slow roasted boar was going to be.

"Bring me my knife!" King Alwyn shouted as he stood from his chair, then stalked his way over to the largest of the two boars. Quickly a servant brought him a large knife with a hilt made of bone, and the king kindly took it from them only to hungrily look down at the meat.

He slid up his long black sleeves, revealing many silver scars, ranging in size, that were splayed across his forearms. Then proceeded to dismember and dismantle the cooked beast in a delicate yet brutal display.

The queen looked away in disgust, as if the king butchering his own food was beneath him. Yet the masses looked on in awe. The way he handled the knife with finesse and snapped bone with his own hands was amazing and terrifying at the same time.

This was the wolf king of Myrce, renowned for his brute strength in battle. He was known for cleaving whole men in two on the field, soaked in blood and screaming while his blazing emerald eyes held an unforgettable animalistic look that scared even his own soldiers.

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