Drink It

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Felix sat in silence as water fell from a small crack in the ceiling softly hitting the floor in a puddle. It had been days since he last saw Hyunjin. Felix sat crossed legged in the middle of the room with chains still attached to his wrists. It was a joke of him to think Hyunjin cared for Felix and he was pissed at himself for thinking that a heartless creature like a vampire would give two shits about a human.

Days passed and passed each morning Felix awaking to a tray of apples but no Hyunjin in sight. He was growing tired of apples and by day five he stopped eating them.

Days six lead to seven and the pile of apples grew. Felix began to wonder how soon Hyunjin would notice that he isn't eating, that Hyunjins personal blood bank would rot away to nothing. By day eight Felix noticed there wasn't a new plate of apples before him.

Maybe this would be the day that Hyunjin would finally make an appearance. Felix waited patiently all day trying his best not to nap in hopes he may catch Hyunjin coming in.

A whole day passed and no Hyunjin. Felix was feeling tired from the lack of food in his system and eventually passed out.

"My sweet angel..." Hyunjin whispered.

Felix could feel his heartbeat pick up as he heard Hyunjin's smooth voice echo throughout his head.

Everything was black and he couldn't tell where he was. Sitting up he tried to open his eyes but couldn't. His breath began to pick up in panic.

"Shhh..." Hyunjin whispered again.

Felix still couldn't make out where Hyunjin's voice was coming from. Panic was racing through his body at this point.

Just as he thought he was going to explode in panic he felt something soft and cold graze his cheek.

"Angel please don't panic, I am right here." Hyunjin's voice echoed.

Felix still couldn't see anything but he could feel the cold soft touch travel behind his neck and his upper body being lifted. He suddenly felt his body completely relax and give into the dark and unknown. He couldn't tell what was happening but he suddenly felt safe and secure.

"Good boy..." the whisper returned as his body relaxed.

Felix felt the sting of a bite radiate on his shoulder.

Felix jolted awake at the pain he felt in his dream of darkness. Moving his tunic out of the way he began to scan his shoulder he didn't see any marks of a bite. Huffing out a breath he grumbled out of frustration. What was it going to take to get Hyunjin to come back and visit him?

Just as he huffed the familiar footsteps returned. Felix whipped his head towards the door as his heartbeat began to pick up and his breath got caught in the back of his throat. The steps were getting closer and closer with each second and Felix's heart picked up with each step.

Silently the door creaked open and there he was. His hair wasn't being held back anymore by a red ribbon instead it all lay free dancing freely on Hyunjin's shoulders. Upon looking at him Felix noticed the bags under Hyunjin's eyes and how extra dead he looked. His thoughts were stopped once Hyunjin spoke up.

"Why aren't you eating?"

"Why should I?" Felix said back with a tone to his voice.

Hyunjin's eyes furrowed in anger and he took a step closer to Felix.

"I won't ask again, why aren't you eating?" Hyunjin growled.

Felix froze as his body shivered at the growl in the back of Hyunjin's voice.

"I haven't been hungry." Felix lied.

Felix watched as Hyunjin took another step closer. At this point Hyunjin was towering over a kneeling Felix. Slowly Hyunjin lowered himself to Felix's level his eyes burning right though Felix.

"You have one more chance to tell me why you haven't been eating." Hyunjin said staring straight into Felix's eyes.

"I—I haven't...I—" Felix stumbled.

Hyunjin reached his arm out and wrapped his hand round Felix's delicate jaw and pulled him closer, "Speak...now."

Felix's heart began to race as he felt the cold familiar hands from his dreams wrap around his jaw and pull him closer to Hyunjin's face. He could make out fine details of Hyunjin's face. His skin was like porcelain that you weren't allowed to touch and his eyes were red with flakes of bright red dancing its way through his iris. He was beautiful.

"I don't like apples." Felix fumbled out a lie.

"Psh ungrateful." Hyunjin spat throwing Felix away from him.

Felix fell on his elbows as he was thrown away from Hyunjin. He watched as Hyunjin walked over to the board of rotting cut up apples and kicked it in anger. The board went flying into the wall shattering upon impact. Rotting apples splattered the wall sticking where they hit.

"I lied!" Felix shouted.

Hyunjin whipped around looking even angrier than before. Lunging towards Felix he pushed Felix to the ground pinning his shoulders with his hands.

"I don't like liars." Hyunjin stated through gritted teeth.

"I—Why did you stop visiting?" Felix asked though winded breaths.


Felix's face began to sting and burn from the impact of Hyunjin's hand across his face.

"That's none of your business Felix."

Felix laid there pinned to the ground staring up at Hyunjin feeling a shiver throughout his body as he heard Hyunjin speak his name. Even when angry he looked beautiful. He could see the way Hyunjin was looking at Felix's neck and how his eyes were big and dilated with each heart beat in Felix's chest.

"When was the last time you fed?" Felix asked.

Hyunjin's face shot from anger to shock as he turned his focus from the blood pulsing through Felix's veins to Felix's face. He could see a trace of concern on Felix's face and Hyunjin didn't know what to say or do.

He had been craving Felix's blood for so long and the sensation that it rang throughout his body as he fed off the sweet blood. His eyes dilated more at the thought.

They sat in silence for a brief moment staring at eachother Felix awaiting an answer and Hyunjin not knowing what to say or do.

"Feed." Felix said slowly turning his neck to expose the crook of his neck and shoulder.

Hyunjin stared at Felix and his open neck, mouth watering and thoughts racing. He couldn't listen to the human he didn't obey them, but the sweet inviting taste was overwhelming.

"Feed god damn it!" Felix shouted causing one of his neck veins to pop a little bit more than normal causing a strong waft of Felix's scent to make its way to Hyunjin's nose.

Feral and animalist behaviors took over as Hyunjin didn't even take a second to think before he lowered his head to the crook of Felix's neck and shoulder and bit hard.

Felix watched out of the corner of his eye as a Hyunjin looked at him in shock after he said feed. First nothing happened and then after he shouted feed it was in a blink of an eye and Felix felt the sting and hard bite dig into the crook of his neck and shoulder. Hitching his breath he felt his blood pulsing to his shoulder.

His heart was fluttering softly and his eyes began to flutter as well. He slowly felt the warmth in his body escaping and his breath slowing. He couldn't hold his eyes open anymore. Felix felt his body go limp and consciousness escape him just as he felt the jaws of Hyunjin loosen and release. 

A/N: Thank you all for the support and patience!  I hope this chapter was worth the wait and I will be returning to regular updates! 

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