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Groaning as Felix awoke he felt sore and out of place. There was a familiar dampness to the air as he moved around. Feeling the dampness and cold of the floor Felix felt like something was up. Struggling to open his eyes he lifted his hands to rub at them

The sounds of chains dragging on the ground caused Felix to shoot his eyes open.

No, no, no, no...

He was back in that god-forsaken room where it all started. Feeling the weight of the chains around his wrist he slowly sat up taking in the familiar surroundings.





Felix sat there for what felt like hours just waiting for Hyunjin to make his infamous appearance. The sound of water hitting the cold floor continued to echo throughout the room.

Trying to think back to the day before, what could've he said to cause this. He couldn't think of a single thing, his memory was foggy and unable to make out a clear memory of what happened to cause this.

Moving the cuffs around his wrist Felix felt a stinging sensation. Sucking in a sharp breath to the surprise of the pain he moved the cuff to expose his wrist a little bit more to examine it.

Looking down he saw how red and inflamed his wrist was. There were two puncture wounds that were red and throbbing. This wasn't normal after Hyunjin fed. All the times before he was left with just silver marks from the bite that seemed to heal overnight leaving him with no pain the next day.

Slamming his wrist down into his lap, Felix sat there wanting answers and answers now.

The sound of the water hitting the floor continued to echo as the day passed. Sitting and waiting for the sound of footsteps to come Felix was growing irritable at Hyunjin for not coming to explain why he was here.

A day passed and nothing came of it. Growing tired and frustrated Felix decided to lay on the familiar cold wet floor and close his eyes.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Felix gasped as he saw Chan half naked shielding someone behind him.

"Felix, I promise it isn't what it looks like." Chan spoke taking a step forward.

"Well it clearly looks like something!" Felix shouted feeling a burn in his eyes and tears welling to the surface.

"Let me explain..."

"I'm waiting!"

"This is my friend, he needed a place to stay I promise its nothing more than that."

"Oh really then why are you half fucking naked?" Felix stated feeling the tears stream down his face.

"You know I always sleep with no fucking shirt on."

Standing there taking everything in Felix felt anger take over his body and he turned on his heal and out the door yelling, "Never ask for me again you pig!"

Felix shot his eyes open at the memory, his last memory outside these walls, a fucking awful one too.

Trying to shake his head of the dream the echoes of footsteps greeted him.

Fucking great.

Hearing the door open Felix looked in the opposite direction not wanting to make eye contact with Hyunjin.

Hearing Hyunjin's steps enter the room and the door shutting behind him Felix felt his emotions already rising from the dream he just had and how his presence just felt like salt in a wound.

"Go away..." Felix spat not turning in Hyunjin's direction as he spoke.

"Want to say that again?" Hyunjin spat back.

Feeling anger rise in his chest Felix whipped his head towards where Hyunjin was standing.

"I said go away." Felix said through gritted teeth.

Feeling the tension in the room rise Hyunjin made his way closer to Felix with clenched fists.

"You don't get to talk to me like that." Hyunjin spoke bending down towards Felix taking his hand and grabbing Felix's face so he had no choice but to look at him.

Feeling tears already begin to well in his eyes Felix coldly stared back at Hyunjin. Looking to Hyunjin's eyes Felix saw a sadness and anger in his eyes he hasn't seen before.

And then it clicked. Felix remembered everything.

Feeling his eyes widen in realization and his heart drop to his stomach. There's no way that he said that to Hyunjin to get him to stop.

He knew he wasn't supposed to find that journal let alone read it. Regret taking over his body Felix began to open his mouth to speak but was greeted with Hyunjin covering his mouth.

"You don't get to speak until you are spoken too understand?"

Felix nodded in compliance.

"Now do we know why you are down here?" Hyunjin asked getting closer to Felix's face.

Breaking the gaze from Hyunjin Felix closed his eyes letting a tear escape and fall onto Hyunjin's hand. Felix felt Hyunjin remove his hand from his lips to let Felix speak.

"Please...I didn't know..." Felix said quietly.

"You didn't know? How stupid can you be Felix?" Hyunjin spat in anger and a hint of sadness to his voice.

Feeling of his heart dropping to his stomach was intense causing Felix to suck in a sharp breath.


"No whining Felix, tell me why you are here." Hyunjin said clearly growing frustrated with Felix.

Felix sat there silently as tears slowly fell down his fragile face causing streaks to stain his face.

"You're truly pathetic, you worthless human." Hyunjin scoffed looking down at Felix.

Feeling his heart fall further and further Felix let his shoulders slump causing him to haunch over the ground. Covering his eyes to shield him from the terrible world he lived in.

"If I'm so worthless why don't you just kill me now then?" Felix said through his tears looking up at Hyunjin.

Felix watched Hyunjin's face shift from frustration and anger to complete surprise at the statement.

Both of them sat there staring at each other not knowing what to say or do. Felix watched as the muscles in Hyunjin's face twitched and his lips became a thin line.

Felix saw as Hyunjin broke their gaze and turned towards the door opening it, "Prove to me you can be trusted."

The door slammed shut causing Felix to flinch at the intensity of it.

Felix sat there filled with emotions from what just happened. Hyunjin could've killed him right there and then, but Felix was yet again left there alone.

What was going on in Hyunjin's head? 

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