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The air was hot and damp and panting breaths echoed through the darkness of closed eyes. Hot wet lips aggressively kissed each other in waves of lust. Felix could feel soft hands pull him in closer with each crashing wave causing him to meld his body into the other.

The fire that was burning between the two was intoxicating. Flickering flames came from his heart with each heavy pound in his chest.

Allowing his hands to explore skin he could feel the reciprocation. Placing his hand under Hyunjin's shirt he could feel the same pounding in his chest. A fire radiated through his usually cold chest.

Feeling Hyunjin's hands grab Felix's wrist he could hear the whisper of Hyunjin, "I want you, Felix."

Stopping and opening his eyes he stared into the dark brown pools of his eyes.

"Then take me." Felix whispered.

Fluttering his eyes open mid dream Felix could feel the drowsiness in his eyes. Slowly Felix turned to lay on his back rubbing his tired eyes in the process allowing his body to wake up. Felix was always left much groggier when he woke up mid dream.

Flashes from last nights experience ran through Felix's mind as he blinked his eyes awake. The shaky breaths, the hot blood that ran through his veins, and the demands of Hyunjin. Felix couldn't deny the fact that the attention from Hyunjin last night made him crave more.

Taking a deep breath Felix scooted himself up to a sitting position in the bed. He could feel his stomach grumble knowing he was a bit hungry. Hyunjin usually came not long after he noticed his hunger. Feeling his heart skip a beat at the thought of seeing Hyunjin. Trying to ignore the feeling in his thumping chest, Felix sat there for awhile waiting patiently for Hyunjin to appear with his food.

Some time had passed and Felix got bored of just sitting and waiting. Getting up out of bed he began to pace the room after awhile growing restless. Being locked up with nowhere to go was beginning to make him go a little stir crazy. There was nothing to do to pass the time beside stare at the wall. The excitement to his day was getting to see Hyunjin.

Sighing Felix walked over to the desk and sat down resting his head on the top and tapping his fingers rhythmically. Every creak and crack he heard caused his head to snap towards the door.

With every glance he was always greeted with a closed door. Hours had passed and the places around the room he sat to pass the time increased. Getting up and pacing again Felix was growing hungry but hungry in more than one way. The grumble of his stomach reminded him of his physical hunger but the deafening silence of the room made his hunger for attention larger.

Groaning and flopping on the bed Felix was beginning to wonder when Hyunjin was going to walk in with food. He usually has been around by now but he still hadn't shown up. Staring up at the ceiling felt his eyelids get heavy and slowly he felt himself falling asleep.

The problem was Felix couldn't fully asleep. His mind couldn't rest enough for him to slip into his dream state. Tossing and turning with each growing minute Felix was becoming impatient.

His hunger grew with each passing minute only to cause his mood to shift into frustration. What was taking Hyunjin so long? The growing frustration and boredom caused Felix to aggressively push himself out of bed and began to pace the room again.

Just as he began pacing he heard the click of the lock on the door. Freezing in his steps he turned his attention towards the door. Feeling his heart bounce in excitement Felix tried to remain calm on the outside. Pretending to be looking at something in the room he heard the door open.

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