Marcellus and Elijah

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For the first time in Elise's life, she felt at peace.

The silk sheets of the queen-sized bed she lay in made her feel like she was being kissed by the warmth of the sun. She could feel her body sink into the mattress each time she shifted around. The birds from outside of her window showed her more humanity than her own family did her entire life.

She was going to take advantage of how she was going to live for the next few months. She would appreciate the feeling of hot water hitting her skin, the feeling of cosy clothes on her body that didn't make her look like she just took a tablecloth and called it a dress.

The end of this luxury lifestyle wouldn't last forever, Elise knew that, but she prayed that her life would only be looking up from there.

She smiled to herself, looking up from her bed to the window where a bird feeder hung and robins fed on the seeds. They seemed so free, living without the fear of being hunted down by their own kind.

A sigh escaped her lips, looking at the patterned ceiling. The sound of the door opened, making her raise her head to look - Rebekah stood there with a smile.

"Sleep well?" she asked.

"Best sleep I've ever had" Elise replied, her smile automatically growing. "I don't wanna get out of this bed!"

"I would happily let you stay there but you might also want some food".

Elise was quick to sit up, noticing the smell of something sweet coming from outside her bedroom.

"Be down in ten or Nik will kick you out" Rebekah joked before closing the door.

Elise got off the mattress and headed over to the set of drawers. She pulled out some clothes she could only assume belonged to Rebekah due to their glamorous and elegant appearances.

After tidying herself up a little more, she left the room with the smell of sugary food growing stronger. She rushed a little as her stomach pleaded for something to be inside it, it almost being painful.

She somehow didn't even notice the tall male coming out of one of the bedrooms from down the hall. Her body collided with the other, a low grunt coming from the person.

"I'm so sorry!" she quickly said, almost tripping over her own feet. "I wasn't watching where I was going".

"Who are you?"

The man's voice was like a perfectly tuned violin. As Elise looked at the stranger, the voice immediately matched the face.

The cold, harsh expression on his face sent a stiff shiver down Elise's spine - she was more scared of this man than she was of Nik when she looked like he was ready to tear out her throat. His dark, dream-like eyes stared daggers at her as he awaited an answer.

He raised his eyebrows with the tilt of his head, "do I have to repeat myself?"

"No" Elise quickly replied. "I'm Elise, I've been allowed to stay here for a while".

"Is that so?"

He almost sounded amused by Elise's response. It was like someone had challenged him, making her assume he was one of the other people who ran New Orleans. A smile grew slightly on his lips before he turned away from Elise.

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