Getting to Know You

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Klaus headed down the hallway, hands in his pockets fiddling with his ring while mentally cursing at Rebekah. She had told him that Elise wasn't able to wear her clothes the entire time she stayed at the compound, so she was going to need new ones.

And Klaus was the one that was going to take her to buy some.

He complained about how he was the one to do it as the two of them were out finding whatever they can on Elise's father, leaving him and Elise the only two in the house. Whenever he went with Rebekah to buy clothes, she would spend hours on end picking stuff up only to put them back.

It was literal torture.

He eventually stopped at her door, catching a glimpse of her standing on the balcony of her room looking out onto the city streets. She hadn't noticed him standing a few feet away from her as he was as silent as a lion stalking its prey.

Klaus could see her face though, it was stressed. Her eyebrows were tightly knitted into a harsh frown, her soft eyes looking down at the street like she was trying to look at every person walking by while she picked at the skin of her fingers with anxiety.

He must've stared at her for around five minutes, catching himself and clearing his throat, which startled her.

"Klaus!" she exclaimed with panic, her head whipping around to look at him. "How did you come in here so quietly?"

"I'm sneaky" he smirked humorously. "Rebekah wants me to take you clothes shopping, you need stuff that you can call your own".

Her eyes widened slightly, "I don't have anything to buy them with".

"Hence why I'm taking you" he sighed, rolling his eyes. "Be at the gate in five minutes or I'll sell you to one of the meat market stalls".

Klaus left almost instantly, leaving Elise now filled with excitement. She was quick to throw on a jacket and meet Klaus at the gates of the compound, he leaning on the mossy brick wall impatiently.

She gave him a small 'hi' and they left, making their way down the street in silence. Klaus could feel how badly Elise wanted to speak but he was the one who was the most difficult to talk to.

To Elise, Klaus hated her. She hadn't seen him stick up for her or hear him say how he would also be protecting her. From what Elise heard, he wasn't very fond of her living at the compound, under his roof.

She didn't blame him, anyone would act like that if they had some random girl live in their house over family drama. She was just grateful that Rebekah and Elijah accepted her and allowed her to stay.

Though it seemed like Klaus' disliking of Elise faded throughout the trip.

They had been finished in under an hour, she picked out clothes she genuinely liked and asked if she could get them instead of throwing them in the basket for Klaus to buy as Rebekah did.

She made him laugh a few times too. They had walked past a suit shop and she pointed out that it was Elijah's home and heaven. Then passing a stall that smelt repulsive made her cringe, covering her nose quickly.

By sunset, Klaus was walking with Elise back to the compound, with only two bags in hand. To Elise's surprise, Klaus spoke.

"You said your father is trying to kill you" he began. "Why?"

"Simply because he despises me" Elise replies. "It was like a rollercoaster with him, he hated me when I was born then began to show interest once he started thinking I was 'special', only to go back to his bloodlust nature when he found out I wasn't".

"How did he think you were special?"

"No idea" she shrugged, picking up her pace to walk beside Klaus. "He never told me why I was special, but he began teaching me to hunt and kill animals with guns and eventually hunting knives".

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