You Know Your Job

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Elise had been in the cell for a week. She had been tortured days on end, getting short breaks in between to ensure that she didnt die and that she could be given food and water.

Her screams had echoed the building for the first few days but they had suddenly quietened towards the end of the week. Peter grew concerned of this and had checked to see how she was and it was simply due to her being numb to her emotions at that point.

It hadn't surprised him, she grew used to the pain or at least she grew bored of screaming. Her voice was scratchy and sore from the yells despite her being fed Kol's blood to heal her from any injuries.

Kol had the unfortunate job of giving her food and water, along with feeding her his blood. Other than his company, Elise would spend most of her days being tortured by the same guy but with different tools each day.

Currently, Peter was sat at the dining table in the dining room which was just down the hall from Elise's cellroom. Peter had invited Mikael, Kol and a few of his men to dine with him. His men were confused as to why Elise was quiet but they were quick to understand why.

It was as if she had a switch to her emotions and she had turned them off completely. Her eyes seemed to be darker than usual and her skin was always as pale as a vampires when Kol would go to her.

Peter continued to find her pain amusing, even though she didn't feel it at that point, along with Mikael who found it equally amusing. Kol, on the other hand, began to have his stomach twist and turn at the mention of her.

When he'd visit her for food or water or his blood, his cocky and confident attitude would quickly shrink. He would try and continue throwing sarcastic comments at Elise but he wasn't as confident as he usually was.

He hated that he felt sympathy for her.

Peter sat at the end of the table, feeding off a woman, while making jokes with Mikael about Elise. Kol sat patiently at the other end, far away from Peter and his own father.

His fingers tapped the glass of blood impatiently. For some reason, he desperately wanted the men to change the subject. Peter's next comment made him have to change it himself.

"Peter" Kol butted in, the laughs between the men quietened. "Do you have any other children other than Elise?"

Peter cringed at the sound of her name.

"Do not say her name, it makes me want to choke someone" Peter scoffed, gesturing the woman to leave. "But to answer your question, yes".

"Perhaps you could tell me about them" Kol insisted. Peter and Mikael merely laughed at Kol.

"Well, if you must know, they were slightly more bearable than the girl" Peter began. "Even better when they're bodies silently dropped to the ground!"

"You mean they're dead?" Kol asked, slightly concerned.

"I'd hope so!" Peter laughed, wheezing almost. "Im the one that ended them!"

Kol stared blankly at Peter as him and his father laughed.


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