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Elise woke to the sound of furniture scraping at the tiled floor. She jolted up and was quickly relieved to see Kol carrying two large bags. He locked eyes with her and gave her a quick smile before making his way over to the counter.

He dumped one bag onto it, a mountain of food piled up. Various packets and frozen foods spread across it, Kol looked pretty proud of himself for it.

"Catch" he then said, throwing the other bag towards Elise.

She managed to catch it despite her still being weak. She peeked inside and saw a bunch of clothes.

"I didn't know your size so try them on after you eat something" he said as he rummaged through the food. "Come and take your pick".

Elise steadily got off the seat and made her way over. She stood beside him as she looked at the food. He probably picked out the frozen pizza for giggles.

Nothing stood out to her, and she wasn't good when it came to nutrients or protein. She shrugged at Kol and he rolled his eyes.

"You need something" he groaned. "You might want to start off with something light. You haven't eaten proper meals for a week so you'll want to take it slow".

"Toast then?" she asked.

"Toast and bacon" he added, picking up the bread and bacon. "I'm not much of a cook, that was always Elijah's thing, but it'll be better than the puke they gave you".

Elise nodded softly and walked back over to her seat. She sat in the corner of it, hugging her knees and running her fingers over where her wounds used to be.

She hated that she had to drink some of his blood to survive but it was better than she expected it to be.

"Sit tight" Kol said.

"Are you trying to make up for handing me over?" Elise joked, her voice still scratchy.

"I pity you" he quickly spat, lying through his teeth. "Nothing more, nothing less".

Elise chose to save her breath.

In a few minutes, the food was ready. Kol came over to her with two plates of bacon and toast - one for him and the other for her. He placed hers in front of her and he sat facing her.

"I'm not feeding you again, by the way" he joked.

"I wouldn't want you to" she responded.

The two dug into the food, it was harder than Elise thought since she finally got some proper food in her system. She was so focused on being able to eat the food that she hadn't realised Kol watching her.

His eyes were glued to her so he could make sure she ate the food. He noticed her struggle but left her to it as he didn't want to show any sign of remorse towards her. He just sat there and watched.

Elise finished her food and Kol had only eaten half of it. She sat back and looked at Kol. She wanted to punch him...

He finished his food and sat back, looking at Elise.

"I suggest to try your clothes on now" Kol said.

Elise hummed and left the table with the bag of clothes and went into the back room.

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