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Hours after Elise had spoken to Klaus, Davina began testing if Elise was a witch. She requested that everyone wasn't in the room so Elise could concentrate, though the vampires still lingered near the door to listen into what the girls were speaking about.

Klaus acted like he couldn't of cared less but he also joined in on listening in.

Davina had set up four candles in front of Elise, the two sat facing each other. She knew she wasn't an expert witch but she was the best Elise was going to get in her situation.

"Focus on lighting the candle" Davina stated, her voice soft and calm. "Remember the warmth of the flames. Remember how the fire flickers on a candle".

Elise had her eyes closed to follow the instructions. Her breath was slow and light, as if she was in a trance. She still wasn't relaxed. Especially after her situation with Klaus.

Her mind was still racing with thoughts, hoping she would figure out what happened. She remembered it vividly but the reasoning behind it was almost invisible. Even more confusing was Klaus' reaction to it.

After a few minutes of there being no flame, Davina spoke up.

"Do you have something on your mind?' she asked as if she had read Elise's mind.

"Yes but it isn't important" Elise replied. "I can do this".

"Not with your head filled with thoughts you can't".

Elise opened her eyes to Davina, it was as if she could see the confusion behind her eyes.

"You need to clear your mind so you can focus on lighting the candle" Davina continued. "So spill".

"Spill what?" Elise asked.

"What's on your mind?"

Elise shook her head, straightening her back.

"Nothing" Elise lied, shuffling in her seat. "It isn't distracting me".

"It clearly is" she scoffed. "Is it Klaus?"

The mention of his name sent a cold shiver down Elise's spine.

"No, why would you think that?" Elise asked.

"Come on" Davina said bluntly, rolling her eyes. "You two have this weird connection with each other. One moment you're outside getting air then the next you're both at each others throats".

"He started it".

"You sound like a child".

Elise's eyes dropped to the floor. There was no way in hell she was going to tell Davina that Klaus had kissed her. The only person she trusted with that information was Rebekah and even she didn't know.

"Let's just say it's complicated then" Elise smiled falsely. Davina remained unamused as she blankly stared at Elise. "Stop looking at me like that".

"Then clear your head. Let me know what's happening in there and we can continue" Davina insisted.

Elise knew the little witch had good intentions behind what she was saying but, again, she didn't trust her enough. Davina also despised Klaus so hearing that they had kissed randomly would give her so many blackmail opportunities.

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