Old Home

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Rebekah groaned, "Why can't we have anything! We can't just live peacefully!"

"Where do we go now?" Kol asked. "We can't go back yet, we can't stay here and Elise is still being tracked down like a fox".

"I have a house that I used for parties years back" Marcel suggested. "There's plenty of things in there and it's not had anyone inside for years".

"It'll have to do" Elijah said. "We cannot remain here as threats continue".

"You can take it back, right?" Elise asked.

"Eventually" Klaus replied. "They will grow tired of waiting and realise we haven't returned".

"So be it" Kol announced. "We can go inside tonight so we aren't cooped up in here. We can move belongings inside eventually".

Everyone agreed and night was quick to fall, the vampires had hurried their things. Davina agreed to cast a protection spell over the house so witches couldnt do anything with it or the people inside.

As Davina was with Marcel casting the spell, the rest prepared to leave at the restaurant. Elise waited at the door for everyone whilst they gathered the blankets, food etc.

Elijah observed the worry and guilt on her face whilst packing food in a bag. Her eyes were glued to the floor as she was zoned out, lost in her own thoughts. He knew she blamed herself for everything going on but he couldn't think of anything to say to comfort her.

Eventually, they had gathered everything together and was ready to leave. Wondering the streets was the dangerous part as Mikael or Peter could be scanning the areas.

Or at least their men.

Elise walked in the middle of the four Mikaelson siblings, each carrying something. The originals were on high alert as their eyes darted around.

They soon reached the house. It was a large one, appearing modern yet rather Victorian in a way. As they entered, they immediately set everything down. Elijah was quick to ask Marcel for a chat.

"Niklaus" Elijah said, catching the hybrid's attention. "Could you take Elise to find a room for her? I wish to have a talk with Marcel".

Klaus nodded, placing his hand on the small of Elise's back to guide her up the stairs. They walked down the hallways in silence, guilt radiated off her but he couldn't think of a way to comfort her, much like Elijah.

They reached the first bedroom they came across, opening it up to reveal a room bigger than the last room she had. It was immediately to her liking so she went further inside.

Klaus followed her inside whilst shutting the door behind them, "I suppose you're claiming this as your room".

Elise hummed as a yes, sitting onto the bed. She tried putting on a smile but he could see straight through it.

"This still isn't your fault, you know" he assured her, taking her by surprise that he could tell.

"It feels like it" she whispered. "You would've been living your normal lives if it wasn't for me".

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