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The faint smell of a morning breakfast filled the air of the restaurant. Elise's eyes slowly opened to the sudden delightful smell and was greeted by two blurry figures in front of her.

When her eyes adjusted to the lights, the figures turned into Rebekah and Klaus.

"Well hello, sleeping beauty" Rebekah said with a smile.

"Elijah's making breakfast so don't dordle" Klaus added.


Elijah came into the room and handed Elise a plate of a freshly made breakfast - eggs, bacon, toast etc.

She sat opposite Klaus and ate at the food. Elise had forgotten how wonderful Elijah's cooking tasted.

"You're a hungry one, aren't you?" Kol chuckled as he walked into the room behind Marcel.

"Considering I've been starved for the past week, yes I am, Kol" Elise replied.

"Well you have proper food now" Kol added with a smile.

"Don't eat too quickly, you'll get indigestion" Elijah stated, watching Elise eat carefully.

"Sorry, dad" she joked, earning a small chuckle from Kol and Rebekah.

As much as Elijah wanted to hold back a smile, he failed.

Elise soon finished the food and sat back in her seat with joy and satisfaction in her eyes. She then found Klaus' eyes on her but she quickly averted her own eyes as soon as they locked.

"Thank you, Elijah" she said to distract herself. Elijah smiled and nodded.

She got up and made her way back into the back room to take out her plate. She placed it inside the dishwasher, though she wasn't sure if it worked. As she turned back round, she was quickly greeted by Klaus.

"Are you some kind of puppy?" she joked.

"Was that supposed to be a pun of some sorts?" Klaus asked.

"I suppose so" she shrugged.

She tried to leave the room but he got in the way. She looked at him confused as to why he wouldn't let her leave the room.

"Why aren't you letting me leave?" she asked, too tired to be playing any of his games. He stayed silent, continuing to gaze into her eyes which made her nervous for some reason. "Klaus?"

"How's your throat?" he asked, avoiding her question.

"Its alright, I guess" she replied. "Now can I-".

"How did you sleep after your nightmare?" he asked, still dodging the fact that she wanted to leave the room.

"Amazing, now can I leave?" she replied, growing irritated.

He simply tilted his head at her as he wanted to keep annoying her for whatever reason he had. She scowled at him, stepping to the side to leave only for him to move the same direction.

"Klaus, for god sake" she said, amusing him more at how annoyed she was getting. "Why are you being annoying?"

"I'm annoying you, am I?" he said innocently. "You're more pleasant with emotions".

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