New Found Threat

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"Marcel, if this is some kind of twisted joke-" Klaus spat, Marcel interupted him.

"Do you think I would joke about this?" Marcel replied. "I didn't believe it at first either but here we are!"

"He never turned anyone though!" Klaus continued, denying what Marcel told him not too long ago. "He despised us vampires so why would he make more, a hybrid none the less".

"Who knows" Marcel sighed as Klaus rubbed the back of his neck. "But this is why I'm siding with him, I have no idea how strong Peter is but I don't wanna find out".

"Marcellus, you know that I wouldn't want to go up against someone who was created by that monster of a man, let alone one that's being pumped up with the power of not only a wolf but also a witch as strong as her!"

"So what's stopping you?"

Klaus sighed, averting his eyes from Marcel.

"I see a bit of myself in that girl..." Klaus muttered. "I made a promise to myself that I would protect her with everything I have. I will not have her fall into his hands".

"I understand that but you have to balance out the odds" Marcel insisted. "Losing one woman that had an abusive dad compared to going up against him without knowing his strength, which would you risk?"

"I'd still risk protecting her".

Marcel stared at Klaus for a moment. He could tell that seeing a bit of himself in her wasn't the only thing pushing him to protect her. It was more than that.

"You've got a soft spot for her" Marcel stated, Klaus' eyes darted up to him. "For whatever reason, you see more than just yourself in her. There's something more about her that you probably haven't realised yet".

"Nonsense" Klaus spat. "I pity her because I don't want her to suffer the way I did with my own father, nothing more nothing less".

"You're lying to yourself, Klaus!" Marcel exclaimed. "It wasn't pity! I suggest taking a long, hard look in the mirror at some point and ask yourself 'why do you want to protect her'?"

Klaus groaned, heading towards the door.

"Enough of this" he hissed. "You either stand with me or against me, Marcel. Either way, the girl stays with me".

With that, Klaus left the room and entered the ballroom again. Marcel glared at the door and cringed at similar words being used against him. He wanted to side with Klaus but truthfully, he was scared. Scared of how strong Peter was.

As soon as Klaus came out of the room, he was met with Rebekah.

"What are you doing snooping around with Marcel?" she asked, clearly suspicious. "Might I remind you that he's the same man that's siding with the father of the girl you want to protect".

"I'm aware of that, sister" Klaus replied, rolling his eyes. "Get Elise and Elijah. We need to talk".

Klaus left the building without explaining anything to Rebekah, leaving her more confused than before. She furrowed her eyebrows and made her way over to Elise and Elijah.

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