You Will Not Be Harmed

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Weeks passed since Elise left the safety of the compound. She had picked up her old skills by stealing food and supplies to keep herself going, also taking shelter down slim alleyways. Though each day that passed, she couldn't help but think about the Mikaelson's.

Despite her being far more vulnerable, she hadn't encountered any vampires since she left. Occasionally she would see the shady men, but once she turned away they were gone.


He was why Elise hadn't been caught yet. Since she left, he had followed her to ensure her safety. He pitied her, seeing how she struggled with the simple things like getting food and staying warm. He would sometimes leave her food such as sandwiches and pies so she didn't starve completely as her diet consisted of fruits and nuts.

Rebekah and Elijah didn't know about this - his pride and reputation would be wounded if they did. He was known to be the one that cared the least, especially since Elise showed up. He would tell them he was going to see Marcel or to get info on Elise's father.

Those weren't complete lies either.

He found out a few minor things about her father. His name was Peter Winters and that he was a rather bloodthirsty vampire that turned a few years ago. Klaus assumed Elise had no idea about the vampire part considering she was terrified of finding out about Klaus and his siblings.

But he still didn't know much about him as he was a very secretive man with his 'minions' being even more so.

As Klaus was heading to where Elise was hiding out, he picked something up. It came from the alley she hid away at so he naturally assumed someone was causing trouble there.

However, he was about to risk being seen by Elise in order to protect her.

"What do you want?" he heard Elise stutter out.

"We're here to bring you back to your dad" one of the men said. "Don't make this difficult".

Klaus came to see what was happening, a group of four vampires had Elise cornered in the alley. He desperately wanted to avoid being seen but before he could think of a plan to do that, one of them ran at Elise.

He quickly stood in front of her, sending the vampire against the brick wall of the alley with his hand. Elise had held her arms up in an attempt to shield herself from getting hurt too badly, but when she didn't feel anything she looked to see Klaus in front of her.

"Klaus?" she muttered out. "I told you to stay away from me!"

"Hello to you too, love" Klaus sighed as he shot a smile at her. "It's a good thing I didn't otherwise you would've been dead weeks ago".

"Have you been following me?" she exclaimed.

"Klaus?" one of the vampires said, sudden fear hitting their voice. "No one told us that she was being protected by the original hybrid!"

"I would've thought your friend from a few weeks ago sent that message" Klaus stated carelessly. "Now you all get to die at my hand, again".

"Listen, we're-".

Before another could speak, Klaus had ripped out his vocal chords in an instant and then tore his head clean off his shoulders like it was nothing. Another tried landing a hit on him, but Klaus was fast enough to rip their arm from the socket and pull their heart from their ribs.

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