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Elise ran her fingers on the bandage gently as she sat in Klaus' room. He insisted that she stayed in there for a while to discuss what the plan was for her father as he believed it was up to her when it came to his death. He had left the room to let Elijah and Rebekah know that she was alright and that they were going to talk about how they were going to deal with Peter.

Everyone was still in disbelief about how he was not only associated with Mikael and Esther but he was empowered and turned by them. There was a chance either of them were aware of his plan on killing Elise but they decided to worry about that later.

Their main priority was to kill Peter.

Elise got up from the bed, bordem sinking in since Klaus hadn't come back for at least half an hour, and made her way over to the dresser. Her fingers ran along the surface of it, her eyes searching for something interesting.

She came across a framed picture of Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Marcel and a male she didn't recognise. She picked it up and looked at it more carefully, a smile growing on her lips. For some reason, she found herself becoming happy at the sight of the Mikaelson siblings, along with Marcel and the unknown man, being together.

She still found it amusing that she didn't realise they were related until she got told - there was a resemblance between them with their personalities alone.

Elise's eyes then drifted to Klaus, her lips unknowingly curling more into a larger smile. Something about his appearance in the picture made her more amused. From his neatened hair to his suit.

He looked calm and that was something Elise rarely saw in Klaus. She had forgotten about him being a hybrid vampire-werewolf being.

Due to her eyes gazing down at him in the picture, she hadn't realised him being back in the room standing behind her. He looked at her in the mirror, rather confused at why she was smiling at the picture of him and his family.

Despite him not knowing why she was happy about seeing the picture, he also grew happy at the sight of her smile. Though he chose not to get caught up in his own thoughts about her.

"Ninteen seventy two" he suddenly spoke, startling the girl in front of him. She quickly put down the frame and turned to him, a cocky smile playing on his lips.

"How long have you been standing there for?" she asked, her eyes darting up to his.

"A few minutes" he shrugged. "You seem to like the picture. Why?"

"I don't know" she lied, he knew she lied but chose not to ask. "Who was the guy?"


Elise picked up the picture again and pointed at the male she didn't recognise. He nodded with a smile.

"That would be my younger brother, Kol" Klaus replied, taking the frame. "He's currently daggered in a box so you might not get to meet him fortunately".


"Stabbed with a dagger, temporarily dead" he added bluntly, Elise's eyes widened. "I can remove it and he will he perfectly fine but its a punishment".

"That's cruel" Elise said, her expression falling flat.

"It's not the worse I could've done, love" he assured her, placing the picture back down. "Marcel is in there too but we won't discuss that".

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