Family Bonding

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"I'm not a witch" Elise nervously chuckled. "I'm a normal human".

"No, I can feel it" Davina pushed. "How did you not know?"

"I can't be a witch!" Elise exclaimed, clearly unnerved by Davina's assumption. "The only supernatural being in my family was my father and he was turned into a vampire a few years ago".

"Thankfully witches lose their magic if they're turned as it goes against the laws of nature" she added. "It doesn't change anything for you though".

Elise sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. Elijah then came to the door as he was hearing Elise.

"Everything alright?" Elijah asked, glancing between the two girls.

"Davina thinks I'm a witch" Elise replied, Davina remained confident.

"I can feel it" Davina added. "I felt it when doing the spell. Even before I saw Elise I felt her".

Elijah furrowed her eyebrows at Davina, equally confused as Elise.

"And you're certain?" Elijah asked. Davina gave him a nod. "Is there any way we can test this?"

"We can start by trying to get her to light a candle" Davina replied. "Or a piece of paper on fire".

"Elise?" Elijah spoke, catching Elise's attention. "Does that sound alright to you?"

"I guess" Elise said. "It won't work though. I highly doubt I'm a witch".

Davina shrugged and left the room, still convinced that Elise was like her. Elijah came in front of Elise, placing his hand gently on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice laced with compassion.

"Peachy" she lied. Elijah looked at her with disbelief. "I've been tortured for a week, Elijah, and I feel almost nothing so...".

"Apologies" he said softly. "If it turns out you are in fact a witch, taking Peter down will be easier".

"I only just found out it's a possibility I'm a witch so it's going to take more time than what we have".

Elijah could began to see the emotion come back to her eyes. She was beginning to feel all of her emotions at once slowly - first was fear.

He brought Elise to his chest, feeling and hearing her heart pound against her chest. Her rested his hand upon her head, holding her close to steady her breathing.

"I failed to protect you the first time as I didn't expect Mikael to come instead of Kol" he said, his voice soothing Elise. "I will not make that mistake again".

"Thank you, Elijah" Elise said, her voice cracked a little.

Elise lifted her head away from Elijah's chest. He unexpectedly planted a soft kiss upon her forehead making her melt into his protective nature.

"Are you two coming?" they both heard Kol call from the other room.

Elise shook her head and left the room with Elijah. Rebekah and Klaus looked at Elise with confusion.

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