There Is A Place

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Chapter Thirteen

*Ailee's POV*

We have to keep moving. The further we are away from him, the easier it's going to be for us to lose him.

Why are you running? It's obvious you want to see him and be with him again...

I can't let myself fall into that trap. I can't lose myself again, no matter how much I want him back.

So, if he finds you...?

He wins. I give up running from him. But that can't happen. I knew I should have stayed on my own. I hate being human. I hate emotions.

"Ailee? Which way?" Hanbin asked me. 

"Down this street, this should lead us to the next city. We're a day in front of them, we should be alright." I tightened my bag and loaded my bow. It's night, who knows what is going to jump out. 

"Ah!" Chanwoo yelled beside me as a creeper came running from a house. In one swift shot, an arrow was through it's left eye. Plucking it, we continued. 

"That was pretty cool," Hongseok smiled walking next to me. We haven't really talked. Well, I haven't really talked at all, since.... I heard him. 

"Thanks. You know how to use it?" 

"Ah, no. I'm pretty good with a throwing knives though," he looked down smiling. 

"Pretty good? Hyung, you're great!" Jinhyung piped up, as everyone began babbling. As we neared the city, I saw lights. 

How was this possible, how had they gotten here before us? 

"And he just threw it, and it's neck and shit went everywhere," Jinhyung and everyone laughed. Junhoe looked toward me, eyebrow raised. 

No. Everything is not alright. 

"Down," I hopped behind a tree. 

"What's going on?" Yunhyeong asked cluelessly. 

"It's all action with Ailee around, right?" Bobby laughed as Jinhwan slapped his head, everyone going quiet... Queiter. It went quieter. Cue eye rolling. 

"Let's just go around the side streets. They'll stay in the middle, where it's safe. They're mostly scientists anyway. Can't fight for shit. The rest of them, just watch out." Everyone nodded as I handed Hongseok my small knives. "You said you're good, prove it. Hit that tree there." I pointed toward a tree that was a good 75 meters away. In one swift movement, he threw the knife and it stuck perfectly. Smiling a little, everyone cheered. I retrieved the knife and began walking as they all ran to catch up. 

"You're pretty good. In fact, you're really good. You cover the back. Hanbin, you go with him. Yunhyeong and Bobby, stay right. Chanwoo and Junhoe, you guys look left. Donghyuk and Jinhyung, you guys are in front with me."

Manoevering our way through abandoned cars, we reached a main street that had no off streets. One clear stretch with a glass skyscraper at the end. 

"Stick to the wall and out of the light," I whispered to Donghyuk next to me as he passed it along. A few ata  time, we all made it to an container halfway down the street, a broken ladder hanging from it. 

"Up and over?" Jinhwan asked. 

"Up and over," I mumbled, jumping up and hoisting myself up. "Straight to the other side, no messing around." I hopped off the other side, trying to stay hidden as Junhoe and Chanwoo jumped over. As soon as Hanbin was over, we set off again. 

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