Can You?

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Chapter Seventeen

*Donhyuk's POV*


I don't understand.

I mean, yeah I saw them kissing before, and of course that pissed me off. But I didn't think they would actually end up together.

But this means she's over Kris, right? Maybe, somehow, I still stand a chance. Who knows right...

I can see them right now. Up in that office he claimed practically straight away. I honestly don't know how he does it.

With a sigh, I sit up. It's morning I think, everyone is still asleep, except for Tao, who was on watch.

"Rough huh?" He speaks up, drawing in the dirt on the floor with a stick.

"Tell me about it," I sighed again.

"You liked her, I'm guessing," he tossed the stick aside and brushed over whatever he was working on.

"Can't deny it, I did. But, I guess I was too late. I doubt she would have ever gone for me anyway."

"You don't know that..."

"Up until the other day when they found us at the house, she still loved Kris. Then I walked in on those two kissing, and now, I'm too late. I never stood a chance hyung." He went silent for a moment, so I looked over to him. He usually smiled, sure sometimes he looked a little vacant but he was always happy. "You alright?"

"Can we not mention him?" He asked in a small voice. Oh yeah. Kris used to be a part of their group and abandoned them. I forgot.

"I'm sorry," I whispered and made my way to sit next to him on the log.

"It's alright. It's just, he was the only one I trusted. The only one who understood me. And he left me. I can't be mad at Ailee, because it wasn't her fault. He chose to leave. But he was all I had."

"Guess we all lost something we love," I said with one final look up towards her before Hanbin woke up, kicking Bobby awake.

*Junhoe's POV*

I heard the shouting downstairs, but I'm 700% sure Ailee hadn't, because she was still sleeping and it sounded as if they were channeling the noise of a BigBang comeback concert.

She was still cuddled up into my chest, my arms wrapped around her. I don't fancy moving away from this position any time soon, it just felt... normal. Like what life was like before. But this time, with Ailee, it felt perfect. Not that it didn't feel perfect before, but this just feels right. It feels as if this is what I was supposed to be doing. Protecting her. Even though she would probably be the one protecting me.

"KOO JUNHOE!" I heard someone shout from downstairs. But I don't want to moooooooove....

"Yah, Junhoe, I've been shouting you for - oooooh!" Yunhyeong squealed when he saw us. "As much as this sight is too adorable, we need Ailee..."

"What for?" I scowled, moving some hair from her face. How can this girl sleep so long?

"Well, we sort of need to sort this place out. And, as she put it so nicely, we are all 'useless potato sacks'."

"Fair enough, we'll come down then," I said, letting my head flop back down. Taking the hint, he skipped down stairs and started playing the chicken game with Lay. What a sight.

"Ailee," I whispered sitting up and hovering over her. "Babe," I shook her slightly, causing her to stir.

"Ten more minutes," she whined turning onto her stomach, folding her arms under her chest.

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