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Chapter Three

*Ailee's POV*

I don't want to trust them. I don't want to see them ever again. Thoughts flew around my head as I ran back to my building. I didn't care if anything saw me, it wouldn't be able to catch up with me anyway. I couldn't help being bitten, could I? And anyway, it's not like it's affected me. I could be immune, or it could have just been a freak accident. Either way, I'm not risking anything. I don't want to die, I've managed to survive this long. 

Arriving at my building I ran up the stairs effortlessly, before crashing into my room and breaking down into tears. Why am I like this? Is it because I haven't spoken to another human in two years? Because I've been alone? In more ways than one...

I had always dreamed of a big wedding, a family. Obviously, all before all the shit happened. I let myself fantasize sometimes, what could have been. I could have had a nice life, a successful life. Instead, I'm stuck killing and eating scraps for a life. In a way, I guess I'm successful. To have stayed alive this long. 

But anyway, why am I getting worked up over these guys? They mean nothing to me. SO WHY DO I KEEP THINKING ABOUT THEM.

Especially Donghyuk. Alright, I lied when I said I couldn't remember his name. I don't know many people (none (alive)), so the first person I speak to, I'm obviously going to remember their name. He seemed nice enough, but trusting someone who's nice is what get's you killed. In this world, I can't let my guard down for one minute. If the undead don't get me first, the group of bandits or whatever kidnapping the last living people to throw into an arena to die anyway will get me. 

It was then when I realised I had company. They were all gathered at the door, peering in. I was sat at the back of the room, knees pulled up tight to my chest where I had been crying. I rolled my eyes, got up and wiped my face. 

"What now?" I sighed. 

"We want to say sorry, for accusing of you lying..." The smallest one said. Jinhwan, I think he said his name was. I noticed Donghyuk hanging at the back, which made my chest tighten. What is this? 

"I guess I understand. So, if that's it, it's starting to get dark, you should find somewhere to stay tonight." I said I forgave them, but that didn't mean I was going to let them stay here. 

"Why do you like being alone? Wouldn't being in a group be easier?" One said. 

"I'm used to it. I'm better on my own..." I said, giving a cold exterior. 

"But you look like you have skills. Mad skills," the one with bunny teeth commented laughing. 

"And we need help. Yeah, it's been two years. But, we haven't really... gotten good at anything. I mean, it takes us a good hour to make a fire." The one stood next to him said. I stared at them. 

Two years... and they're still alive. It's something, but I don't know how they've managed it. 

"I can remember when we went camping, Hanbin was so scared of that bug in the tent," one laughed. He got hit on the head by the one I assume was Hanbin. The one who just spoke.

"If you're scared of bugs, how do you cope with the undead walking around?" I stated, which stopped them laughing. 

"I don't cope, it scares me shitless. But I have to get on with it, just like everyone else." He said. 

"Please think about joining us? We need your skills and stuff, and you could have company then. It must get lonely..." Jinhwan said. 

Do I join them? I mean... two years alone... But being alone is what has gotten me this far. Maybe if I just help them survive for a few weeks, a month tops, show them how to build fires, make a bow and arrow and how to shoot it and stuff. It can't harm anyone right?

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