Nothing Without You

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Chapter Twenty

*Junhoe's POV*

3 days. It has been 3 days. I failed to protect her, I let her down. Everything I do is a failure, I can't protect those I love. I happened once before, and I've allowed it to happen again. I should have ripped that bastards throat out while I had the chance.

"You still beating yourself up?" Bobby appeared. "It wasn't your fault Junhoe."

"It was though, why can't you see that? I left her alone. Yeah, I told her to stay put, but as if she would actually do that. They lured her. And now she's gone."

"We all care for her, don't you think we all want her back?" He asked calmly. "You just have to give her some time. She will make it back. We have to trust her. She loves you Junhoe."

"But he's there." I said flatly. This is what eating my soul up. What if she goes back to him? She loved him, but he left. She wouldn't... right?

*Ailee's POV*

"Can we just get this over with Kris?" I sighed. The room was dark, the moonlight illuminating his features.

"I..." He began, and started walking to me, but stopped when I shot him a glare. I shook my head. No words needs to be said between us. He knows it's over. It was over a long time ago.

So why is your heart beating so fast?

I can't love him. It's impossible.

You still have a place in your heart for him. You know it, you are just too stubborn.

I have Junhoe. I need to get back to Junhoe.

Love works in mysterious ways. At least hear him out...

"Say what you have to say Kris." I said softly. This beating in my chest won't quit. Seeing him again, it hurts. It hurts so damn much. He still has the same eyes, the same strong hands that were gentle towards only me.

"Ailee, I..." He scratched the back of his neck, looking toward the floor. "I was a liar." He began, looking up to meet my eyes. "I lied when I told them I didn't love you any more. For the whole time I've been away from you, I've been dying a little more each day. Being away, from you, it's impossible for me. I know for a fact I'm a failure, I should have done you better, I should have stayed and protected you. Kept you as mine. And I know you found someone. I know you love him, I don't care if you have him in your heart, can't you just forgive me temporarily? Just for a few moments, it would just be between us. I don't want to be without you, I can't be without you, because I love you." He finished, walking towards me.

I couldn't say anything, I was frozen. My heart was beating was past the healthy limit, I'm sure.

I don't love him.

I can't love him.

He left me.

I have Junhoe.

He's coming closer.

His hands are on my waist.

Why aren't I pushing him off?

He's looking down.

Don't look up. Don't look into his eyes.


The eyes I loved. The eyes that cared.

I don't love him.

I can't love him.

He left me.

I have Junhoe.

I need to get back to Junhoe.

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