Drama Central

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Chapter Fourteen 

*Donghyuk's POV*

"Woah, look at that," Chanwoo stopped. We had moved from the last city and now was moving south. Judging by signs, I'd say we were almost there. We stopped to observe the view, a large tower could be seen in the distance. 

"That's the direction we're going," Ailee said, without any emotion as she hopped over an abandoned car. I know I don't stand a chance with her any more, but it's pretty damn hard to shake the feeling. 

When she heard that Kris guy, she changed. We had just gotten her out of her shell, and she went right back in. 

"Slip down here," she waved us over down the side of a house, some dead girl leaned up against the wall, her throat ripped from her. 


Observering Ailee, she moved quickly and quietly. She acted like she couldn't care less about any of us, but I know that's not true. Even the small gestures. I know she wants to get away quick, but she still let's us rest, even though she might not need it. 

I might be a fool for thinking I stood a chance with her in the first place, but who knows. Things can change. This world proved that already.

*Ailee's POV*

"Let's just jump over this wall." As I was getting over, Junhoe stayed right beside me. The sun was going down, illuminating his features. Since that night, he hasn't left my side, even after the Kris incident. I'm sort of greatful. I know he doesn't feel that way, because he still loves Yoona. But that night, there was something. Even I know that...

"You alright?" He mumbled in my ear as he gave me a boost.

"I'll be better when we get south." I noticed Bobby and Hanbin shouting, killing a creeper, and high fiving each other after. 

"Ailee?" Jinhwan yelled as he climbed.

"Yeah?" I pulled him up. 

"You're bleeding," he took my arm. Looking down, I realised I had a huge cut the length of my forearm, yet I don't know how I got it. Or why I couldn't feel it. 

"Maybe your bite took away your ability to feel pain?" Junhoe calmly took my arm, wiping it gently. 

"Maybe," I shrugged.

After we jumped over the wall, we were met with some guy leant against the wall, with only half a head. Damn. What a way to die. 

"Let's just get through the houses," Hanbin spoke up. 

"Alright, I'm done," Junhoe gently wrapped my arm, now clear of blood. "Please be careful." He whispered in my ear as we caught up to the others. Shivers went down my spine at the semi contact of his lips to my neck. 

Damn it Junhoe, please don't confuse me even more. 

"Uh, shit, basically," Bobby stopped and look through the glass doors of the house. Beyond was the street that lead to the tower we had to pass. But, there was already people there. 

You know who I'm talking about already. 

Kai and his little gang. 

They were all sat in around, laughing. 

"Get back," Hanbin pulled me away from the door. I haven't been scared for two years, but as soon as these guys come along, everything starts going wrong. Why didn't I kick them out the second they walked into the building? I just let them stay. And then shit started to get worse. 

My life is just one train wreck after the other. 

"And then we was like, 'don't hurt her or I hurt you'," Kai's voice got closer, he was mocking Kris. I just knew it. "Stupid bitch needs to be taught a lesson." He laughed as he entered the room where we were. 

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