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Chapter One

*Junhoe's POV*

"Hyung, wake up. We have practice." I slapped Bobby hyung on the back before leaving to the bathroom. I got a text from my girlfriend, Yoona. She told me to meet her tonight after practice, as it was out 3rd year together. I think it will last forever, me and her. I just don't see us ever breaking apart, even if I'm not allowed to date. I wouldn't be doing this right now if it weren't for her pushing me to do it, so I owe all my success to her. 

"Hyung," Chanwoo called out. "Can I use your shirt?" He asked walking from the bathroom. 

"Yeah sure, just wash it when you're done," I mumbled closing the bathroom while texting her back. I planned to buy some white roses for her, they were her favourite flower. I would have to ask Hanbin hyung if I can leave a bit early today... I'm sure he would let me. I'm going either way, but I might as well try not to get into trouble about it first. 

***a few hours later***

"Chanwoo, raise your arm more, and stretch your leg," Hanbin guided us through our choreography for our debut, which was in a few weeks time. I'm so ready for it now, after years of hard work. "Take a break guys, we'll continue in 10." He sighed. I looked at the clock, 5pm. I'm supposed to be meeting Yoona at 6pm... I need to go like... now basically. 

"Uh, hyung?" I asked as I sat next to him. 

"Yeah?" He asked taking a gulp of water from his bottle. 

"Could I.... maybe... you know if it's alright with you... leave right now?" 

"What for?" 

"It's sort of mine and Yoona's anniversary, and I promised her I would meet her at 6, and I still need to go and get her something?" I asked hopefully. 

"Fine, you can go. But you need to catch up tomorrow. I won't have you slacking," he said throwing his bottle aside. 

"Thank you so much and I won't slack alright I swear alright bye!" I yelled grabbing my stuff and running from the room. 

I ran down the stairs, passing the 2ne1 noonas. 

"Someone's in a rush," I heard Dara noona say. "And looks happy too." She smiled commenting on the grin that was plastered on my face. 

"Noona, can I ask you a question, cause you're a girl and stuff right?" I asked. I remembered I had to buy the flowers, but I also had a ring I had bought last month. No, it's not an engagement ring, but a promise ring. It was an infinity symbol, I wanted to show her that I was always going to be hers, and I hoped she would always be mine. 

"I think I'm a girl?" They laughed.

"I want to give this ring to my girlfriend, but I don't want to make it seem like I'm proposing or anything, what do I do?" I mean yeah I love her, but that was the condition YG gave me to date her. No weddings until I'm 26. I don't know why, but it was good enough for me. 

"Well, don't get down on one knee, maybe slide it onto her finger for her or something?" Bom noona suggested. 

"What like, take her hand and put it on for her? The middle finger or something?" I asked making sure. 

"Yeah, that sounds good," CL noona smiled. 

"Thank you noonas, bye!" I shouted running down the stairs. 50 minutes to buy some flowers and get changed. It was doable... I hope.

***45 minutes later***

I had manged to ran back to the dorm and dump my practice stuff and get changed. I decided to wear a plain white shirt with some black jeans and black converse... I mean I wanted to look good for her and everything. Right now I was buying her flowers. The ring box presses into my leg, my phone in the other pocket. I have 5 minutes to get to the park, which was 10 minutes away from where I was now. 

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