Bad Blood

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It's been exactly a month since the last chapter. I'm sorry... Things might seem like they're turning into something... rated... but I promise it won't. I can't write like that... XD Sometime soon I'm going to change this story and you are all going to hate me, so I'm saying sorry in advance and asking you to not kill me

Chapter Eighteen

"Ailee's POV*

"AILEE! NOONA!!!" I heard Chanwoo yell from downstairs.

"What's wrong?" I asked calmly. There was only a few of us, the others wanted to go hunting, but I'm so tired. I protested, I wanted to go, but they told me to stay. Junhoe basically forced me.

"Yunhyeong is being mean," he pouted.

"Hmph. Tattle tale." Yunhyeong slumped back onto the floor.

My head really hurt, I couldn't handle their pointless arguing.

It's been a whole month since we decided to stay here, and so far it's been pretty damn near perfect. There's been no sign of them. There's only been a few creepers, but we eventually fixed a fence around the warehouse.

I didn't realise it, but I had keeled over.

"Ailee!" I heard Junhoe yell. He refused to leave me. I can't see straight... what's going on?

"What's going on?" I blinked a few times and tried to move, but I was unable. I can't move. "I can't move my legs... or the rest of my body." I tried opening my eyes, but it wasn't working.

"Listen to my voice," I felt his arms scoop under me, picking the top half of my body onto his lap. I heard more feet come towards us.

"The exo group went hunting," I heard Hanbin say. "It's just us for toni- what's going on?"

"She can't move, or open her eyes," I felt Junhoe shake me a little.

What the hell is going on? I don't understand.

A horrible intense burning sensation went through my side... right where my bite mark was.

A small scream escaped my lips, it hurt so damn much, I can't even explain.

A few months ago I would have been alone, probably suffering the same, but I had no one to show weakness to.

Now, there's these guys. My family. They helped me, Junhoe helped me... but I still hate showing weakness. I'm used to being strong.

"She's burning up," he muttered, picking me up the whole way.

"Oppa?" I whispered. I don't know who's around, but I don't care.

"You're going to be alright, you'll be fine, I'll make you better, it's all my fault" he mumbled, walking somewhere. My whole body was burning so much, it was all I could focus on.

Was it only last week we were joking around together?

Was it only last week where I gave him everything?


"Oppa!" I laughed as Junhoe splashed me. We were looking for food, but so far we hadn't achieved this.

"Yeah?" He answered cheekily, acting as if he did nothing wrong.

Before I could answer, he pulled me into his chest, resting his chin on my head.

"Everything good?" I asked, slightly shocked.

"Everything is perfect," I felt him smile as he pulled back, allowing me to look up. Our eyes met, making me blush slightly, my heart rate accelerated.

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