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Chapter Seven

*Ailee's POV*

"Yunhyeong?" I walked into the kitchen zipping my bag up. "Where is he?" I asked Donghyuk. 

"He's just sorting his bag out," he smiled from the table as I sat next to him. This is awkward. 

Make conversation... Don't sit there awkwardly.

Like what? My brain is mush right now.

I don't know, your mushy brain is my mushy brain...

"So where are you going today?" He broke the silence. 

"Just east of the city, to a different forest. We'll have to pass through a few building first though." I trailed. 

"Ah, alright. Be safe?" He looked up to the door where Yunhyeong was standing. 

"You ready?" I asked him standing up, securing my bag. 

"As I'll ever be," he smiled, waving to Donghyuk as we left. 


"Just through this pipe, watch yourself, it's a bit slippy." I ducked my head, loading my bow. Anything could be around, you can't take any chances. 

"I didn't know any of this was even here," he commented, looking around as we emerged into a warehouse. 

"No one even comes here," I looked around, making sure it was clear. 

"How come?" I just shurgged. I mean, who's left to explore anyway? 

"There's a broken gas pipe on the wall, pull it off and use it for now." I nodded toward it. "I brought guns, but they're only if we really need them," I told him. After a few tugs, he pulled it off the wall. 

"Yo," he walked back over to me. "You know how to kill... creepers right?" 

"Yeah, just smash their skull in." He laughed. 

"But seriously, what if one appears out of no where?" 

"Be ready," I put it plainly, beginning to walk up the stairs at the end of the room, into a building. 

"Great, it's raining," he huffed. 

"Rain means they can't hear you, so be thankful."


"They see with their ears, did you not know that?" I cocked my head. 

"...Well, we've killed hardly any," he chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. 

"Through here," I squeezed through a hole, into a street with abandoned cars. Under a bridge was a ditch, slowly being filled with water. 

"Where are we going again?" He huffed, squeezing through the hole. 

"East forest. There's less creepers around, and maybe more food. I haven't really been there much, so I don't know. We need to check it out though," I said, hopping over a car bonnet and into a puddle, Yunhyeong jumping down beside me. "You good?" I asked him. 

"Yeah," he panted a little. 

"Alright, come on," I jumped up onto the broken concerete from the bridge, up onto the main road. 

"Holy shit..." He looked up at the collapsed towers, leaning on each other. 

"Air bombing usually does that," I helped him up. 

"You survived the air bombs?" 

"Yeah, I was here. I'm guessing you didn't start out here?"

"We did. But then we went down to Busan. We've worked our way back up since then, after the whole world sort of... died I guess."

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