Chapter 11

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First I want to say sorry that I haven't written in so so long time, I was away a lot in the last weeks and yeah Christmas and stuff like this and a total writer block, but now I will manage to write more often again. yeah, so I hope you like this chapter, think it is not what everyone thought would come ...and at least I wanted to thank for everyone who rides this, it has good over 500 reads, which isn't that much to the most of you probably but for me it's a lot , so yeah thanks and enjoy :D xx

(P.S. sorry for the long text :DD )

Harry's P.O.V.

Laura and I decided that we would go parting this night. We both need some time off. Time without people judging us so clubbing was the best idea.

I arrive at her house and she is already waiting outside, she looks stunning, with short leather shorts, black pumps and a really tight white top, through with you can guess the shape of her black bra.I suddenly hot. 

She walks towards me and I manage to compliment her, which makes her get red and smile on the ground. 

Damn she reminds me every time why I can't life without her.

In the club

Laura and I dance . Close. This girl is so fucking hot . I literally can feel the jealous views from the other boys in the club on me. But maybe Laura is a little bit too hot for me . I want her more than I should.

I get Laura drinks, sure she isn't aloud but her parents don't care 'cause she's sleeping at mine tonight and I will look after her.

A few hours later

Laura is now really drunk and there is an idea growing in my head which shouldn't be there. 

We are now going home. Like I said Laura is really drunk but somehow she is able to walk and talk like the had drunk nothing. I put her in my car and we drive home. 

Now we are at home and I made a plan. I just can't sleep next to her without doing anything and it seems like the alcohol changed her opinion about special things a little bit .

So I take her to my bedroom and push her softly against the wall . She looks a little bit shocked but then  relaxes . We start to kiss and it gets hotter and hotter . Our body's are now so close that I can feel her heard beating.

I make the next step and put the zip of her dress down . She isn't doing anything so i go on kissing her and  taking her dress of. She now is just wearing underwear and I want her more than ever. I lie her on my bed and take my shirt and trousers of . 

Now we are nearly naked and it feels good to feel her skin on mine, we both feel really hot and so i put her bra of. 

Laura's P.O.V.

I'm really drunk and can't see everything clear but I can tell that I lie on Harrys bed naked . He massages my breast with his big soft hands and I can't but moan a little bit, actually I don't want this but on the other hand it feels so got and I don't want to stop him. 

He seems to see my moan as aninvasation to go on and so he kisses my nipples and oh gosh this feels so good. I ran my hands through his hair . 

He goes on and takes our pans of and now we are really naked, it's a strange felling and there is kind of electricity in the air, I know that he wants this his eyes shine and his friend is already ready ^^ 

He places kisses all over my body and I can't but moan again this time louder. 

"I know you would like it" he smiles at me and takes a condom out of his nightstand. 

While putting it over he promise not to hurt me and then kisses softly my forehead. I can't really control my body because of the alcohol and so i just nod.

He smiles and goes into me ...

the next morning

Oh fuck my head hurts that damn much . What did happened last night? The last thing I remember is that we danced and harry gave me something to drink. I roll around to look in Harry's smiley and messi morning face. With a deep sleepy voice he wishes me a good morning. " I told you you would like it" He smiles hat me. What would I like ? What happened last night? Oh fuck , why are we nacked?

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