Chapter 6

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Laura's P.O.V.

How could I think that he is nice? He is a male whore. He just try to get as many girls as possible and if he can't get one he has to lie to get her. Oh man, I now so many guys like this, why did I believe him. Now I am the idiot.

And yeah, I cried because of this bastard. Everything he said seem so true. But seems like it wasn't.

Ann didn't noticed that my mood had changed at all and Chriss stopped asking after I told him 10 times that I'm okay.

Harry and his friend went of the party, right after, Ann and Chriss interrupted our conversation.

Today it is Monday, that means that it is possible that I see Harry today. FUCK. I don't want to.

                                                                          *  *   *

In the school

As we were talking from the devil. There he is. Good looking like ever and with the same cheeky smile and his sweet curls. Man why must he be so hot and why must he be such a bastard?

He is coming over, straight towards me.

"Ehrm Laura, could we, would it be possible that we talk ,alone?"

"I thought we said everything that needed to be said?"

"I'm really sorry, I think you misunderstood something, it didn't meant it like this."

"I think I understood everything better then ever before." I walk of. I don't want to cry. F*cking Bastard.

"I tought you wanted distance, why does he want to talk to you?" Ann askes.

"I don't now, maybe because he is a lier and doesn't want me to find out."

Harry's P.O.V.

Seems like I messed up everything. Why am I so bad at finding the right words. Honestly Laura and I didn't decided that it will never work out and we will take some distance. We decide that we both like each other.

And what do I have got now, nothing, she will never speak to me again. Really great job, Harry, really.

Oh, Louis is calling. He had to go home the day after the party. I told him that everything is good, but I know that he didn't believe me. 

"Hey" I answer the phone.

"Hey, Hazzah, how are you?"

"Okay I think, are you alright?"

"Yes I am, but I can tell you are not even close to being okay, whats up lad?"

"Nothing, really I'm fine."

" You know I know when you're lying and now you are. Hey, I've you don't remember, I'm your best friend, you can tell me everything. It's because of Laura, isn't it?"

"I messed up everything. She will never talk to me again. "

"What did you do?"

"You remember the party ?"

"sure, go on."

"We didn't decide to take distance. We , we basically nearly kissed."

"The fuck what did you do?"

"Yeah, and now, because ehrm I lied she thinks I'm just playing with girls and just wanted to get a kiss from her and yeah so that's ehrm the story."

"Oh Hazzah, that's sounds really bad. But why did you idiot lie?"

"It's because of Ann, the other girl, I kissed her too, when Laura and I were enemies and basicly she thinks I'm fallen for her, and I doesn't want to hurt her so ehrm I thought I would take time to show her that I ehrm, am not fallen for her. Yeah, maybe ehr that's a bad plan."

"Yeah a really bad plan. But why the hell did't you kissed Ann?"

"I wanted to annoy Laura because she doesn't want me to flirt with Ann."

"You better stop to try to think for plans, because, you don't to good, love, write Laura a letter or something like this. Make her yours. You look cute together. I have to go now, sorry, but elenor is waiting. See you soon and the hopefully with a new girlfriend , mate."

"Bye Lou. I hate you too." I make a kissing noise and finish the call.

I really have to do something really good.But maybe I have an idea.

Hey loves, what do you think of the story so far ?I really hope you like it :3

And if it looks like I have no hobbies because I update so often, that's not true. I have hobbies, but I need time for myself everyday and in this time i write :) :D

So pleas comment or vote and tell me what you like or maybe what not ;)xxx

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