Chapter 12

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Laura's P.O.V. 

"Harry, what happened last night?"

"you,you really don't remember anything?"

"No, Nothing."

"Ehm so basically we, ehm, we slept together, ehm last night, yeah..."

"WHAT?" I scream and jump from the bed, taking the bed cover with me to cover myself. That can't be true.

"I'm sorry, but you, you liked it..."

"Harry I was drunk, you knew that you gave me all the drinks."

"You were just a little bit tipsy..." He looks guiltily.

"I can't believe you did this to me, I trusted you, I thought you were different, but you are just a dick like all the other guys." I grab my closes from the floor , run out of the room, put my close on and run out of his house. 

Harry yells after me, that he's sorry and that I wanted it too, but I don't listen, I don't know where to go now, I can't go home, my parents would hate me if they would see me like this, they will never know, it's better like this.

A few month ago I would have ran to Ann, but after our fight I can't .

Chris, that's a good, idea, he will be there for me, Ann broke up with him some days ago, because he was to jealous ^^ not that he would have had any reasons for that, but yeah, we are still really good friends.

at chriss house

Chris opens the door and looks at me shocked.

"Laura, what are you doing here, that early in the morning, why are you crying, oh just come in first."

I walk in and he gives me a big hug. 

We sit down and i tell him the whole story, I mean the parts that I remember. He wants to go to Harry and punch him, but I can stop him. 

I just have to make myself look normal again and find a good excuse for my parents.

This is what I love about him (only platonic) , he is always there and listens and helps you, but only as much as you want and it's okay, if the only need you help is his bathroom.

Ann will kill me if she gets to know about this, but she can have Harry now, this was his last chance, now I really hate him, how could he? 

Or maybe I'm just too naive....

Harry's P.O.V.

Fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck now I messed everything up, I should learn to think before acting, why do I have to be such a dick, I mean, she's right I knew that she was drunk, but girls are always that hot and I don't know, sometime it's just like my brain is dead when I see hot girls.

Laura probably now is going to hat me for the rest of her life, fuck, I need her, I hate hurting girls especially when I'm in love with them.

This time it has to be so much bigger than just a letter to get her back, if I ever be able to have her back.


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